Monday, November 24, 2003

Crap I know its been since Saturday afternoon when I posted last, but I swear I ment to blog that night and last night. I guess its just that I forget, plus when I go to do it I get so fed up with my keyboard that I almost end up throwing it across the room.

I've really been stressing out for the past week on where the hell to go for university. Kelly wants me to go o Trent. I dont know what the program is like there so Im not so sure. I have to read up on that for now. I really want to go to Carelton or Ottawa U., because I know the programs there are so well known. Apparently there is a program at Brock Id like and at Guelph. Argh, I just dont know!

I cant believe its Monday morning already. I didnt go to school on Wednesday or Friday last week. Wednesday I had a damn good reason but on Friday I suppose I could have drugged myself up on codine and went anyways.

My friend Cody just told me that instead of doing this I should be at Cute little fluffy stuffed animals die in the most brutal of ways. Apparently Mark Berg showed it to him on a weekend. Im so going there.

I wrapped Christmas presents for three hours last night. I hate wrapping Christmas presents. I always end up doing them every year. Stupid Christmas and its stupidness.