Thursday, August 26, 2004

She's crazy like a fool

Currently Listening To: Placebo-Black Eyed
Well, because it's been so long, I will write about what I did last weekend.
Nathan came over for the weekend, it was definitely a good idea for him to get away from his house. He's been having a bit of trouble lately in the girl area.

I was frustrated about something... What would you do if you found out that a friend of yours was pregnant, and her Mom had given her an ultimatum: Either she have an abortion or she has to live somewhere else? Doesn't that just sicken you? Something like an abortion is such a big deal/step in life, and to have someone else force you to choose when, I'm sure, you're having a hard enough time with the fact that you are pregnant in the first place! I just cant over that... Ive been thinking about that and it bothers me so much.

And something always creeps into my mind that a friend told me. She said that her grandmother had told her that because she wasn't christian she had nothing to live for. Can you believe it? Isn't that disgusting? At our age we're having enough trouble trying to figure out where we belong in society and the only places we can turn to are our family and our close friends. And to have one of our family memebers tell us that we don't have anything to live for starts setting off alarms in the back of your head. Alarms such as: "If you don't have anything to live for, then why don't you just kill yourself?" or "If I have nothing to live for, then why am I bothering to stay here?" or even things like "I might as well stay a Christian even if I dont believe in it, just to keep my family happy." Goddamn it upsets me the way people manipulate others, and use the fact that they are family or close friends to make the person become who they want them to be. How are we supposed to grow and become individuals if there are people out there like my friends grandmother who press religion and beliefs on us? How are we supposed to be able to have an open mind and learn everything we can about stuff before we begin to judge? People like that make it impossible! And it angers me. Oh yes it does.


Oh guess what else I did on the weekend? Nathan and I went to futureshop and were looking through the DVD's and I found the first season of Buffy. Oh was I excited. Ive already watched the first disk, and there are only three. So far I've laughed my head of, giggled, been moved, and appalled. I can even remember watching some of these from when I was little! Can you believe its been that long since Buffy first started? 1996! And now, to think, it's over for good *sniff* Im not going to lie to you, I cried during the last few episodes of Buffy, and Angel. Man I'm gonna miss them. *Le Sigh*