Monday, August 30, 2004

Requim For A Dream

Currently Listening To: Fuel-Innocent(Piano Acoustic)

So the other morning I was talking with Adam and Steve, and none of us could sleep. Adam was talking to his landlady and she said that she wasn't able to sleep a wink either. (Mind you this wasn't the night I wrote about it the last entry, this was... Saturday night I thinks? Yes, Saturday night). So I just realized why now... The full moon. I'm going to phone Adam and Steve and tell them to tell Charlene this because it's really funny and ironic.

Oh and I have to tell you about Ed's blue and red card theory. I also kind of added to it and made up a purple card, for feelings somewhere inbetween. (Don't worry, you'll get it soon).
Okay, so Ed says thay everyone should carry around a blue card and a red card. Blue card meaning they are single or intersted, red card meaning the opposite. He says it would make meeting people easier. So all the while in my head I'm wondering where this is leading to, right? Weeell... He turns to me and asks, "So what do you think of Adam, Steve and I? Are we red or blue?" At this point I started laughing. It was great fun, but I knew it was coming. I said that Adam is a red card because I know him and he's not my type, plus hes a friend. As for my answer for Ed and Steve, let's just say I did a nice cop-out and said that I didn't want to hurt either of their feelings and left it at that. So Ed says that that would make them green cards? And I said no, purple cards, as blue and red make purple. Retarded I know, but makes sense right? He deducted from that that because I didnt want to hurt anyones feelings, and Steve wasn't there it was just him and I, that I liked Steve better and it was Ed's feelings I didnt want to hurt. (Little does he know that it's him I like better). Of course I totally denied this and said that I didnt want to choose because choosing would mean that I had come to some sort of conclusion about them, when I didnt know them long enough to make any kind of conclusions. Anyways, to make a long story short, he was hitting on me and I dont think Adam liked it all that much when I told Adam and Steve the story. I know Adam has a thing for me, and I hope that my friendship stance with him can stay that way in his mind, because there isn't going to be anything more between us.

Oh I watched the coolest movie ever; Boondock Saints. Damn it was super wicked. Of course, it would have been better if it hadnt skipped every ten seconds or less. You can ask Adam, I'm not lying, that's how shitty his DVD player is. Its some random brand called Norcet or something. Anyways, he didn't watch the movie cause he fell asleep, but I did, barely because of the skipping, but I could still follow it for the most part. I think thats another movie to add to my list of movies I need to buy. Has anyone else seen it? Did you like it? Oh speaking of movies, I was thinking about Snatch yesterday. I have to own that too, as well as Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels(if thats what its called, Im kinda drawing a bit of a fuzzy blank right now). Apparently Snatch is the sequel to Lock Stock, which I haven't seen yet. And goddamn was Mister Brad Pitt good in that movie. Of course him and Johnny Depp are good in any movie, but he was extra good in this one because of his fast Irish talk. You might be asking yourself where I got Johnny Depp out of all of this? Well, because when I think about amazing actors, his is the first name that pops up and my fingers just wanted to type his name. It couldnt be because he's gorgeous or anything, nope.

Well, Im going to go pee now, as I've had to go for a few minutes now, but I didnt want to stop typing and downloading new music :D