Saturday, April 10, 2004


Okay, so I was reading one of the funniest, cutest things I've ever been exposed to in a very long time, only a short two minutes ago. My feet really smell bad and I feel very sorry for my mom who is sitting besided me. I could always take my socks off and change into my pj's, but Im too lazy. So she'll have to suffer. Anyways, back to the funniest thing ever. Totally click on Piehole in order to view this 32 year old ladies awesomely hillarious blog. I read some of the things to my Mom, but I can tell she thinks the lady has fallen off of her rocker, or else she's just really immature. Likely the latter. You can ask her if you want. My blog is having a hard time trying to publish right now, it keeps clicking and refreshing and Im wondering if its going to end up erasing what Im typing, so I should not bother continuing. But because I am me of course Im going to continue. Oh and in case you hadn't noticed, I didn't put a song I was listening to, cause Im actualy listening to the sounds of my house, which consist of my "brothers" watching t.v. and my mom playing her pogo games beside me. I guess being in the basement, and it being 10:30 at night, makes the house quieter than usual. I could describe the noise that usually occurs on a normal day, but I dont want to overwhelm you. I think Im finished typing for tonight. You're all just lucky that I've posted so many days in a "row" now. And by row I mean exactly what I put. I wonder if I have overwhelmed all of your feeble monkey brains with my post tonight?