Wednesday, July 21, 2004

And I can't love you anymore than I do

Currently Listening To: Evanescence- Even In Death

EEk! Tomorrow morning I leave for the orientation that I spoke of and I dont wanna go!! *breaks down and cries* I'm sooo nervous! I'm going to see so many people that are new, and and what if they don't want to talk to me? Or think that Im scary, and that Im going to eat them or something? o.0 No seriously though, I have trouble with approaching people so if someone doesn't approach me I just become a recluse and a loner and do things off on my own! *waaahhh!!* Someone needs to be there that I know, otherwise I'm gonna be so bored outta my mind. Harumph.

Plus sides: Swimming pool, curfew of 12am... How can that be a bad thing? Hopefully getting a room to myself. Maybe meeting some cool new people like myself! Yay! And getting to know the Trent layout better. It takes a long time for me to find my way around somewhere new. And I've already done an all afternoon tour thingy with mom and a tour guide, but I wouldnt know where to go if they just threw me somewhere and then said "now find room 666." Nope, couldnt do it. (notice how I put 666? Yeah, I'm a geek. What can ya do? Thats right... Nothing!! Muwahahaha!) God can you tell Im nervous? I do the crack joke make people laugh thing when Im nervous. Oh boy. This is going to be just great.

Down sides: Arranged social time. Yuck. Cafeteria food. Someone elses bed, pillow and sheets. Not being able to bring my kitty with me. Being all alone and by myself. Getting lost!! ACK! No sense of direction. Trying to remember everything and knowing I'm going to fail horribly at that. Having to live out of a bag for four days.