Oh my gods, is one supposed to be up this early and not be able to sleep on a Saturday night? Its a damn good thing I dont have school today or else I wouldnt be able to go. I guess its okay that Im up right now, cause I have been sleeping since probably 4pm yesterday. I had the worst migraine in a long time. Had to have Matthew come down and get me an ice pack, and some pills. Also I was using Becca's eye pillow. It smells so good, its filled with herbs. I think that helped a lot too.
Friday Chelsea and I went home with Becca on her bus and we had a little movie night at her house. I am damn sure that that contributed towards at least three quaters of my headache yesterday. I think we rented seven movies in total, and when I say we I really me mean me cause apparently Becca had no money and I had to use my bank card. It ends up we spent, and when I say we I mean I, 26$ just on movies! And I didnt even end up watching them all. But Becca gets to keep them at her house, thus making it so she gets to finish watching them.
Im so upset that the movie May didnt work on her DVD player. Im pretty sure it her DVD player needs to be cleaned, cause almost every DVD that we watched skipped at one point or another. Of course Chelsea had to put her two cents worth in and say "See, now thats why I talked my Mum out of getting a DVD player and why I like video tapes instead." Yeah well dont you just hate everything thats been upgraded and new. God! But anyways, I was so upset that May didnt work cause it looks like the coolest movie so far! I wanted to cry when they decided to give up on it and put Blood The Last Vampire on instead. *shudders*
Im so sick and tired of Anime that I want to go and kill all the stupid Japanese film makers of Anime. Strangle them and watch their eyes bludge. I hate Yugioh, gundam wing, card captors, didgmon...etc. GOD! Its so dumb and immature. I mean they are cartoons, how can someone get so obsessed with them that they go on the computer specificaly just to look up Anime porn or pictures of guy on guy? You know you are sad and have no life when it comes down to that. There is so much guy Anime saved on my computer because of You Know Who, and I want to erase it again so bad! But Im not a bitch and Im most likely going to erase it at one point or another.
Oh and Im in a bitchy mood right now. Not to mention lonely. Oh my gosh I feel so lonely right now! Ive just finished reading Pauls blog and it makes me sad... I should be sleeping right now and Im not. Its too early in the morning for this shit. I woke up at like 4am and Im not sure what to do with myself! Hence me choosing the sleepy face. I like reading Paul's blog and his poetry. His poetry is so well done and gets its point across, but I dont think he realizes that! I want to hug him and hold him until he feels better.
Im cold. Its cold in my room. I need to put a sweater on or something, rather than wearing my pj's. I should also be sleeping, not to forget mentioning. But Im not, and it makes me sad. Im whining again. This post is likely going to be all my whining and complaining... But I just need to get it out of my system.
Christ my keyboard is just getting slowly worse and worse. It started out that it only beeped when you hit the space bar. Then it got to when you hit the up arrow and the right arrow keys. Then it was when you held down control and another key. And now its gotten to the point where if you hit the shift key it beeps as well! I think Im going to cry... And its not like its a quiet beep! Im scared that everyone can hear it upstairs right now and Ive woken everyone up. Even though I dont think thats possible considering my room is insulated, but there are vents! Oi...
For some reason my stomache feels sick... Its like it knows Im not supposed to be up right now, and I shouldnt be on the computer where my eyes feel as though they are glued. The screen is so bright... I wish web sites would use darker colours for people like me. I guess you could say I have always had sensitive eyes, but when its 5 in the morning, they are even more so!
I was just thinking, there are likely so many people that are on the internet right now because of the time differences! Hey now thats neat. The people from the UK and Australia and stuff. Awesome. I checked the unloved to see if Liam had posted yet today, but he hasnt. I guess its not late enough for him yet. Hes from Australia. I thought it would have been cool for him to actualy talk to someone during his time, rather than having to wait until the people in the past (us) have posted a reply or not.
Im sad cause my two peircings in my cartilage on my right ear got infected and I had to take the earings out. They sort of grew growths and little amanda got rid of them for me. I asked her not to, cause I had gotten rid of the one before, and it just came back. But I think that that was because I left the earings in, and this time I took them out completely. I dont know why she felt as though she needed to clean them, I told her not to. It was weird cause whenever someone does things like that for me, it makes me feel as though I cant do it for myself, and that upsets me. I dont like to feel helpless and incompetent. I dont ever want people to see me as helpless or stupid, because I know I am not and that I am perfectly capable of doing anything I put my towards doing.
Another thing that really upsets me. Whenever Chelsea feels as though she can comment on my "incapabilaties". She seems to think she knows me so well, so she can comment on how I wouldnt be able to do something just because Im Mandy. I can even use an example. Today when we were at Beccas I almost got to the point where I was going to tell her off and I think she noticed. But I didnt think that it was the time nor the place to tell her off about it. Becca mentioned that Chelsea and I should take the matress back upstairs and she was going to go upstairs and clean the mess they made in her room up. So thats cool and okay, and I turn to my pillow on the couch where I am sitting and move it out of the way, etc. I go to move the coffee table thing a little so I can see if there is anything underneath it, and Chelsea says "You cant move that into the middle of the room yet until the matress is moved out of the way, obviously" Oh god when she does things like that it pisses me off so much. that sonly just one of the little things shes commented on. So I turn to her and I say, "You know, you really are captain obvious." And oh man did I want to keep going. Of course she agreed with me because she didnt think that I ment it in a bad way. Then she says, "well I always have to be captain obvious around you because otherwise you know you wouldnt be capabale of understanding what it is..." Or something to that effect anyways. Grrrr I anted to just yell at her and finaly tell her what I really think of her and how I feel about her coming over to my house souly to use my computer, and how I looked at her when she was over at Beccas Friday night, sitting on the floor using her laptop, when we were all supposed to be watching movies together, not talking to our boyfriend who lives a freaking country away. Sometimes I just want to knock sense into her, and tell her how everyone feels about her. I looked at her using Beccas computer, and my exact thoughts were, "Wow, shes gotten to the point where shes using Beccas computer now for the exact reason again." Then Saturday morning I go to have a shower, and Chelsea and becca go into Beccas mom and dads room to watch freaking Yugioh. Chelsea seems to think she is making me watch the opening sequence for some odd reason, and Becca pouts and tries to drag me in there. Of course I tell her I dont like it and have better things to do with my time. At that point, again, I just wanted to go in there and tell them exactly what I thought, a little piece of my mind so to speak.
I feel so bad for you having to read all about my complaints and whining. So Im going to leave you with a quizilla result:
you're XhardcoreX!
How can I label you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Oh and this was the best result to get. At least Im not the Avril Lavigne wanna be!
Yours Truly