Oh man did mandy ever have fun this past weekend. I went up to Kellys rez in peterborough and drank and danced and had so much fun. Apparently when I am drunk I am a completely flirt. I almost went into another room with a guy and made out with him...Think the only thing that stopped me was that I wasnt quite drunk enough yet.
A lot of the guys in rez do drugs. A few of them do really hard drugs too. I was talking to one of the guys and he wouldnt let me in his room where him and his friend were. The door was locked and I thought they were just chillin' or something. Not sure, I was drunk so Im not sure what I was thinking. I knew I wanted in really badly though. So I kept knocking on the door until they came out. The guy I knew stayed behind and he finaly told me what they were doing. They did cocaine and they wouldnt let me come in cause they didnt want me involved in that shit. I felt bad that they had to resort to doing that, and that being drunk wasnt good enough. But I stood there staring at him, and he at I and his eyes were so blue and I thought he was going to kiss me so I turned away. Im not sure what made me turn away... Other than a certain someone and not being drunk enough.
I tooka bunch of pictures from the party, and for those of you who are on my comm, they will hopefuly be up soon enough. If they arent, then you can spank me. Cause I know my dads password on his computer now, so I think its safe to say screw him and his not letting me on to upload my pictures. Plus now I can do it by myself and that way put more interesting pictures up and then delete them so he doesnt know. There are a few pictures of us all drunk and stuff. Its actualy pretty funny. Go digital cameras.
Once again Im going to cut this one off here. Thats my party weekend. Went shopping, spent my time at rez with my bestest friend ever Kelly, and then drove home in the pouring rain. Wicked.