Lord I've been busy. Not necessarily busy with work or anything, mostly just busy with The Unloved and school. The Unloved is coming along good, and I've had a few positive comments about how it's starting to look more and more like the old Unloved every day. Participation is a biggy, in the old Unloved there were so many people involved in the forum that talked at least once everyday that it was interesting enough to keep people coming back. But right now we only have approx. 11 members compaired to our old 80 or so.
I still can't believe MSN just up and deleted the old Unloved on us. How aweful is that? Just randomly one day I went to check up on it, and it said that the page could not be found. So of course Paul sends a letter to MSN asking about what could have happened. Their letter back read something along the lines of an automated message that told us that unless the manager deleted it, even accidentaly, there is no way MSN deleted it and its deleted for good. Okay, great, so all of our work, photos, pictures, poetry, short stories... Gone down the toilet. Thanks MSN we love you too!
This is an image that Paul uploaded to The Unloved's front page, thanking Bill Gates for all he has done for us and our beloved community, which really was our world. Guess we'll just have to work long and hard to make the new one just as good.
In loving memory of the origional group and the joy it brought us all.
You know you are sexualy frustrated when you dream about masturbating because you havent been able to do it in so long. One is supposed to be able to be stress free enough to be able to masturbate at least once a week, for boys once a day. But I suppose that would account for my lack of anything sexual in months. And it is sad when you are refering to masturbating as something sexual, when normaly when you say 'something sexual' you mean with another person. I think I've gotten to the level of frustration where its making me angry. (And Ive gotten to the point where I dont care about writing it on my blog where I know people I see everyday will read it). Oi.
Sometimes you just want to escape and have a little fun with your life right? So you play the game of Nightmare your mom brings home from a party she went to, because they didnt have enough time to play it. You sit down with your little brother, his friend, and your mom to play this at 12am in your living room. Yeah, you guessed it, that was me about an hour ago. Oh and who won? Exactly... Me! Mhmm and I was Countess Elizabeth Bathory, one of my favourite people to read and learn about. The game has her wrong though because they refer to her as a vampire, when she was proven not to be one. But oh well, thats not even why I brought this up. I think it was to show you how sad I am, but it turned into a post about.... How I have forgotten the main point. *scratches head*