Saturday, November 22, 2003

Lizzie Borden took an axe, And gave her mother forty whacks. And when she saw what she had done, She gave her father forty-one. -Lizzie Borden

"Thank god you're home." Said a very sleepy mother approx twenty minutes ago after she answered the door and let her daughter in from a night of dancing.

That was the scene that just happened here at my house. I had a great night and only just got home. Party hardy is the saying and so that is what I did. God I hate the feeling of sore knees and muscles after dancing and grinding like crazy, plus the ear ringing thing is so annoying. I feel like I have to talk really quietly now or I'm yelling. Plus, my throat is all scratchy! Oh I love this.

If you have ever been to a dance club, such as The Vibe where I went, you'd know what I'm talking about. I was so surprised when I handed the girl my twenty dollar bill and she gave my seventeen dollars back. Can you believe it was only three dollars to get in?! But yet it was also three dollars for a coat check, so Kelly, Hollie and I walked, no ran, back to the car to drop our shit off. Like hell we were paying that! Mind you we froze our asses off running back to go inside where it was warm. That'll teach us...Not really.

I'm so dumb because I forgot to close my window before I left to leave at about 11:30 and now its down right freezing in here! I'm going to have to crawl into super cold sheets with no ones warm body beside mine. How sad is that?

Well as you can imagine I'm slightly tired, and have a headache coming on from the cigarette smoke so I'm going to retire. I'm all snuggly in my pajamas and need sleep! Anyone care to join me and keep me warm?