Saturday, January 03, 2004
Faults, flaws, whatever you want to call them, we all have them.
A friend of mine started a post on The Unloved asking us to post all of our flaws. Well I suppose my list is long, but I wanted to post it on here because it seems like it fits.
'Okay, so as you can see by the amount of time its taken me to post this, one of my biggest flaws is procrastinating. I put things off, and put things off until the very last minute and usually end up doing poorly on things such as assignments and homework because of it. I hate the fact that I do it, but I guess I dont hate it enough because I still procrastinate.
Another thing I do that I dont like very much is my innability to tell people what I really think of them, thus ending in my getting walked all over.
I do everything I can to avoid a fight, verbal or physical, with anyone including strangers and the people close to me.
I have this facination with fire, that I am pretty sure is going to end up in my death or someone elses one day. I have quite a few scars to prove this fact.
I consider my depression a fault because if I didnt have it I would have so many more ambitions in life. The ambitions I have are great, but maybe without the depression I would have the drive to go through with more than half of them. My depression realy puts me back in life and I hate it so much. My depression causes a lot of apathy towards mr life and the people in it. There are days when I just dont want to get up out of bed and face the day, let alone go to school every morning. I begin looking forward to the weekends, and usually stay up too late and sleep in until the afternoon, screwing up my schedule for school the following week. Sometimes I wish that I was born as a different person and maybe I would get lucky and find someone who isnt mentaly unstable. (Though they say that the things you go through make you the person you are, and give you some experience in life. That could possibly be why I am able to help so many people).
Most people dont know the real Mandy Sharp, because most of the time I am putting on a different face. I have many different faces depending whomever I am talking to. I am somewhat different on the telephone, on the internet, around Kelly, around Chelsea, around Becca and Amanda and such...etc. Sometimes I think I have a personality disorder, but if I did I wouldnt remember becoming the other person. Thats the only way I know I dont, because I am perfectly aware that I am doing it when I am, but I still do it anyways.
I never follow through with what I say I am going to do, and do what I say I am going to. I have trouble keeping promises, and never know when to keep my mouth shut. Sometimes I talk just to hear my own voice, or any voice that seems comforting for that matter.
I tend to ramble when I talk, and often times forget what I am going to say, seconds before I say it. I have a terrible memory. I can hardly remember what I did earlier that day, let alone what I did during the entire week.
I am always stressed and most of the time I dont know why. The stress usually brings on anxiety attacks, which just by thinking about one I can feel my heart start to beat faster.
I am a hypocondriach, resulting in constant paranoia and thoughts of "oh what if I have this?!" if someone mentions that they heard something was going around...etc.
I really could go on and on, maybe its that I like talking about myself, or maybe its just that it feels like a relief to write down everything thats been rattling around in my brain.'