Saturday, January 03, 2004

'Cause all I see is what's in front of me.

I hate not posting more often, I know there is at least one or two people looking forward to reading my blog, and yet I never have anything new for them.

I just spent like ten minutes trying to lower the seat on my chair to compensate for my new desk, but I succeeded in getting black hands and chipped nail polish. I didn't even get the seat lowered.

I have to say, happiness is coming home from the hospital after spending 3 hours in emergency. I was off of work at about 8pm tonight, so with the walk in clinic not being open its regular hours anymore, I had to scoot over to emergency to get a prescription for my stupid bladder infection. The nurse told me it would be about a 2 hour wait, so when I was called into the room to wait for the doctor at about 9:30 I was surprised. I mentioned this to her, and she said "well don't get your hopes up yet, you still have to wait for the doctor, you've only just been let in." Oh boy, here we go. So I wait in the room for the doctor, who's name ends up being Doctor Bayer, go figure. Did you know it takes approximately 15 to 20 minutes to sing the whole 99 bottles of beer on the wall song out loud? Oh yes, I was that bored. I waited 2 hours more or so for the wonderful doctor to come, who when he did come, only stayed for less than a minute because it was obvious by my urine sample that I had a UTI. I could have, and did tell her that. But just to make sure, about 45 minutes in to my wait for the doctor she came in and made sure to tell it was defiantly a UTI. Well duh! Didn't I just tell you that? So I got a prescription for a sodium based pill that will help get rid of it in five days. I'm telling you, if they don't fix this wonderful system they're going to start getting frustrated customers.