Thursday, January 29, 2004
Currently Listening To: Led Zeppelin- Trampled Underfoot.
I'm sure there are many of you out there that are very happy the exams are over and done with!! Yesterday was my final exam, and it gives me butterfly's just thinking about them again. I am so happy they are over. Its such a relief.
This morning I had to get up early even though I don't have to go to school. I had a dentist appointment. Mum was smart and booked me in for a dentist appointment on Monday as well. That way today we could check and see what needed to be done on my teeth, and have it done on Monday, before I turn 18 on Thursday. Otherwise Dad's ODSP won't cover me anymore. I will officially be a financial burden to my parents. Oh joy oh bliss. Hey, at least I can sign all my own consent forms etc. The dentist, Steve, told me that I need to have my wisdom teeth pulled when I go in on Monday. I'm kinda nervous. I saw my X-rays and they show that I have three wisdom teeth in total. So they're going to yank them before they grow in all the way, that way when they do come in and cause me trouble, I wont have to pay anything extra, cause for now I am covered. They gave me a choice of either laughing gas, a sedative, or just having the freezing and nothing else. Of course I took the sedative. I don't want to have to remember anything! I've never ever had a cavity or anything wrong with me teeth, so I am kind of nervous. I've only ever had my teeth cleaned, none of this drilling or yanking shit. Eep!
Well I've phoned Little Amanda's house twice now, and left a message the first time, regarding the modeling for Rene's website we're supposed to be doing today, but no one has called me back. I have to work at 4 this afternoon, so I thought we would be able to get some shots in before I had to leave. Its already almost noon and no word. I hope nothings gone wrong. I really would like to have some photos taken. I could use them in a portfolio even.
The phone just rang and I answered it hurriedly hoping it was going to be Amanda, no dice. It was for Matthew so I told him to be quick.
But anyways, today is going to be a busy day. Well, it was supposed to be a busy day anyways. I was going to be getting photos done all afternoon, and then working until 8 tonight. Then after work Nathan is coming over to watch a movie or something. I'm hoping to get to bed before midnight tonight though cause tomorrow I'm going to be busy again. I have a meeting with Rebound Youth Services at 2 so I can get some volunteer hours in. I cant exactly graduate until I have 40 hours done. And so far as I know I only have approx. 3 done. Oops?
I spent last night downloading songs until all hours. I think I have 250 songs or so on my computer now. I don't think I could live without music. Music is food for the soul baby! Any suggestions on some songs I could download, that I possibly might not have? I have a lot, so good luck with suggestions. That'll be everyone's homework for tonight. :)