Tuesday, November 16, 2004

When push comes to shove

Currently Listening To: Sliptknot- Purity
I'm sitting here in my freezing cold room with a headache. I need to cut my toenails, but I can't find my clippers. I've bitten all my finger nails off and the black polish is chipping. I need to tweeze my eyebrows, but I don't have any tweezers, my Mom usually does that for me. I have clean shirts and undergarments hung up around my room because I'm too cheap to put them in the dryer. There isn't as much money is my bank account as I started off with earlier last week, and it wasn't spent on anything. My room is a mess, however I did do laundry and finally put all the clean laundry away that was still sitting in the basket from the last time I went home. I've felt lonely the past couple of days, and I know I shouldn't be, I just have been. I need to make my social life less and focus more on my schooling, otherwise I'm going to find that it'll get in the way.
I should be working on Cultural Studies right now, but I haven't started yet. I did, however, accomplish a shower today, and then a bath where I finished reading The Snow Garden by Christopher Rice. It was amazing, and I couldn't put it down all day today.
Another plus was we watched Star Trek in my Cultural Studies seminar, because the episode had Sigmund Freud in it related to Data's dreams. I enjoyed it, even though I had already seen it when I was younger. We used to watch Star Trek as sort of family time after supper. Of course we watched other shows on top of that one too. We're sort of a 'gather around the TV and spend time together' kind of family. Which I like, because it started me on my love for movies. On the topic of movies, Adam W. told me that Rob Zombie's making another movie. Now that's exciting, I think he's a brilliant man.
I'm currently so cold that I seriously think my nipples could cut glass. I'm even wearing socks, which I hate. I've even turned the heat on in my room just a little bit. Trying to save money here and best as possible ya know.
Oh and I've filled out an application for Zellers again, this time in Peterborough, obviously. I'm pretty sure they will hire me because I've worked there before, and they can't penalize me for being laid off in Cobourg because I was going through a rough time in my life. That wouldn't be fair, medical reasons wise, so I'm prepaired if they phone the Cobourg store asking about me. I just can't wait to start working again. I think it's nice to let yourself take a couple months off before starting up a new job again. When you aren't too financially crippled it works better than having to make sure you have a job lined up before you quit your old one. That way there's a nice transission period in between. A few months off is nice, but getting back to work will keep my mind a little more occupied, and give me some pocket money to spend on sweaters, new socks, and possible some wood and bricks to make a huge shelving unit along my one wall. I'm planning on being able to put my entire collection of books on this unit as well as whatever room is left over for my knick knacks and candles.
Well I'm now really tired and should probably attempt to start my Cultural Studies so that some of it is started early. Better than having to pull another all nighter like I did when I wrote my Philosophy essay Thursday night. But let's not get me started on that shit.