Currently Listening To: Absolutely nothing. I forgot my MP3 player at home because I'm a ghey fag.
So, its been like what, over a month now since I've updated this darn thing? I hope half of you haven't wasted your time coming back to check and see if I have posted since the last time you checked. 'Cause that would suck and I'd have to laugh in your faces.
The past two weekends have been Drew related. Halloween was great. I took the Greyhound to TO all by myself. Very first trip I've ever gone on by myself, mind you. I was so nervous that I was going to to get lost, or die in some big huge crash. Then I would have felt bad leaving Drew at the station by himself, while he waited for me to arrive. But thats okay, apparently he wanted me to wait for an hour after my bus arrived anyways. ;) And he's going to love me for saying that too. It's a funny story because his bus was a lot later than he thought it was going to be, and it took him like a half hour to walk to the terminal, which is also funny because the net said it was only about a five minute drive or some dumb thing. I think I walked half of my weight off that night. I was also wearing my Docs so I ended up with torn heels. I'm still wearing bandaids today. but I loved every minute of it. And he's lucky I didn't complain my ass off like I usually do. I felt like sparing him the agony of that.
We walked from the terminal to the venue, the opera house, where Flatlined was supposed to be playing. I do have to say though, they sound much better live than on the dl's from their website. The band before them was pretty good, but the band after them wasn't. But like Drew said, they had potential :P
We left the venue, after being dubbed smokers, and walked back to the terminal. Where we picked up our stuff and tried to find Jennie, who ended up being at a bar. So we walked to the bar where she was at, and thank god she was outside having a cigarette with her friends, otherwise I'd feel like a dork because I'd have to wait outside by myself with the smokers while Drew went in to find her. I'd also have felt bad because I wouldn't have been able to come in and help find her. But that didn't happen so it's all good. Jennie and a few of her friends were going to another bar after they left this one, so her friend (whos name I would never be able to spell) drove us to Jennnie's and we met her boyfriend. Man he was an awesome guy. We made sure to tell her that too. There was just something about him that made him so awesome. Anyways, we watched movies and Drew made me have a beer with him. Candian, not to mention, awful stuff. More funny stuff happened that night, but I dont think its good to be writing about Jennies roommates on the internet without their persmission. ;)
Then this weekend I decided at the last minute to take the bus to St. Catharines and visit Drew at his house. I stayed there the whole weekend, didn't end up getting home until Monday night at like 9ish. Friday night I got to meet the infamous Brandon. I think he was a little overwhelemd by me. He kept asking Drew where he picked me up from. And he didn't lie either, he had his pants off within ten minutes of meeting him. He's a crazy kid. I also got to meet Drews Uncle that I've heard so much about. He had been sitting on the couch watching tv and drinking by himself that night. It was great, we come in and Drew pokes him and tells him he thinks its time for bed. Then Saturday we went out for dinner with Drews friend at Wendy's, and then went out to the bowling alley for another of his friends birthday. But it turned out the wait to get in was going to be like an hour and a half so we went to Boston Pizza and sat and talked. I got to catch up on Drew past gossip, etc. Sunday we went ot Niagra Falls and then to B's grandmas house with his now ex girlfriend Jo. Bought some Peachshnapps and some beer and then headed over to the Boston Pizza in Niagra. We played some arcade games, ate some pizza, then took a Speedy over to Jo's Dad's house where we proceeded to get trashed and play card games all night. The Monday morning we were kicked out early and went back to Drews house where we sort of crashed and lazed around until I had to leave. I also got to meet his Mom on Sunday night. At the time we weren't sure whether or not she was going to be to pleased about me being there at all, but apparently she hasn't said anything about me since. So I think we're in the clear.
So this week was massive oh-god-i-hate-essays week. Thats what I dubbed it. No thank you, I hated doing my history essay. But it took me two hours and Im finally done. Two hours for the good copy that is. And then ever since Monday night for the rough draft and the rough notes. Its finally done and I dont even care how shitty it is. AT LEAST ITS DONE!
So Drew told me I had to update my blog, and there you have it, an entire blog dedicated to him too. He owes me. ;)