Currently Listening To: Boy Hits Car- The Rebirth
So its almost christmas time again. We all know what that means, right kiddies? Thats right, a rough time. Christmas is always hard around my house now, since my brother died. I mean, it's understandable, but christmas is supposed to be a happy time. And try as we might to make it one, theres always that one point in the day that someone breaks down. Whether it be physically obvious that they have, or just emotionally obvious, you can tell when someone has that look on their face. I think most people look forward to christmas every year. This year Im looking forward to seeing everyone and having dinner at my house, but asside from that, I dont really have that oomph-go-christmas attitude like I used to when I was a kid. I try to make it look like I'm having a good time every year. Even though months before christmas I make sure to tell everyone I hate it. I'm done. Thats all I'm writing.