Wednesday, August 18, 2004

It feels like I've been buried under the weight of the world

Currently Listening To:Anathema -ReConnect
Yesterday my entire family went to see Kelly in Haliburton. Don't believe me? It took two cars! Mom, Dad, Matthew, Kyle, Daniel, Grandma, Grandad and Me. Oh and Grandma's dog Lucky. Phew! Mom packed us a picnic lunch, which was really good. We sat out on the water front and ate our lunch first, then they went swimming and Matthew and Dad went Kayaking. (They need a spell checker on this thing). Then we went out on the barge again, Lucky had a great time there. I think it was rock climbing next and after that we went to the archery range. Overall I did more things yesterday than any other day I've been up there. However rocking climbing wasn't as fun as it usually is because I did my harness up too tight that friggen hurt.

OH and the funny part... Graham has been teasing Kelly ever since I was up the last time, telling her he's only going to come up and visit the apartment to see me, saying that when I get there hes going to hit on me, saying how much Im hot and how we're gonna go in the back forty for a half hour, etc. I was unaware of this teasing game, and when I was standing by the coffee I had my back to him (bad idea) and I had no idea who it was but they came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist. Now I've got my arms raised and Im all confused and going to yell rape jokingly(but I didnt know who it was so I wasnt sure how they would take it), and finally Kelly yell's "Graham!" And I spin around and laugh. The next time this happens is when Kelly and I go to the Hub and theres Graham again, and I can hear him teasing Kelly about me still, no idea what he's saying though, as theyre over sitting on one of the couches. (we have to remember here, that Kelly likes Graham and thinks he is aware of this by now). So I sat on the other couch near theres, not to disturb them, Kelly gets up to get her shoe that she threw at him earlier and he comes and sits beside me. We're talking and joking about how it'll take him about 7 minutes at least and I say we should make it 2 minutes and he says we'd better make it quick then, etc. Kelly's going so red in the face, and he likes to point this out. He's such a little shithead. He gets to sliding his hand on my leg, and Kelly says "okay! time to go Mandy!" We all laugh and leave. But I felt so bad for Kelly. And here I am not sure what the hell to do other than joke about it, cause I didnt know what to say in front of Kel. Haha good times indeed.

Anywhoo, my day yesterday was busy, and I finished my homework today. This even Adam and I are gonna to see Alien vs Predator. Big fun, Matthew and Dad said its really good. But Ive heard from some other people that it isnt like the other movies they've made of Alien, nor of Predator, which I guess is a good thing, cause we dont want them to be too much alike. We want difference people, something that differentiates them from the norm, right?? Right. :D