So Kelly comes home tomorrow and thats the most exciting thing thats happened in forever. We're gonna go and pick her up. Oh and her Dad came by today to put up the blinds, bring her tv, and I think thats all he did!
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
I will never forsake you
Currently Listening To: Evanescence- Lies
So Kelly comes home tomorrow and thats the most exciting thing thats happened in forever. We're gonna go and pick her up. Oh and her Dad came by today to put up the blinds, bring her tv, and I think thats all he did!
So Kelly comes home tomorrow and thats the most exciting thing thats happened in forever. We're gonna go and pick her up. Oh and her Dad came by today to put up the blinds, bring her tv, and I think thats all he did!
Monday, August 30, 2004
Day After Tomorrow
I'm currently nervous and excited; I just applied to be a gothic model online. I sent in some pictures of myself, filled out their form, and now I await their email back to me. I think I might send emails to a bunch of different places, maybe one of them will reply with something good to say! Anyways, just updating you on the latest news in Mandy land.
Stay tuned for more updates.
EDIT: I thought I'd take some pictures of Angel for you guys, Kellys kitty. But uhm, she isnt as easy to get pictures of as I thought. She's such a bitch, pardon my french, but goddamn is it true. And now I'm sneezing my brains out cause she has long hair and not short hair like Malcolm does. Anyways, after I took the two pictures I could she got really pissed and started hissing, scratching, growling and meowing at me, hid under my bed and really pissed me off. So I chased her around the apartment until I had all the doors closed so she went straight back to Kelly's room. What a friggen ordeal. But I got the pictures, and here ya go:
Stay tuned for more updates.
EDIT: I thought I'd take some pictures of Angel for you guys, Kellys kitty. But uhm, she isnt as easy to get pictures of as I thought. She's such a bitch, pardon my french, but goddamn is it true. And now I'm sneezing my brains out cause she has long hair and not short hair like Malcolm does. Anyways, after I took the two pictures I could she got really pissed and started hissing, scratching, growling and meowing at me, hid under my bed and really pissed me off. So I chased her around the apartment until I had all the doors closed so she went straight back to Kelly's room. What a friggen ordeal. But I got the pictures, and here ya go:
Requim For A Dream
Currently Listening To: Fuel-Innocent(Piano Acoustic)
So the other morning I was talking with Adam and Steve, and none of us could sleep. Adam was talking to his landlady and she said that she wasn't able to sleep a wink either. (Mind you this wasn't the night I wrote about it the last entry, this was... Saturday night I thinks? Yes, Saturday night). So I just realized why now... The full moon. I'm going to phone Adam and Steve and tell them to tell Charlene this because it's really funny and ironic.
Oh and I have to tell you about Ed's blue and red card theory. I also kind of added to it and made up a purple card, for feelings somewhere inbetween. (Don't worry, you'll get it soon).
Okay, so Ed says thay everyone should carry around a blue card and a red card. Blue card meaning they are single or intersted, red card meaning the opposite. He says it would make meeting people easier. So all the while in my head I'm wondering where this is leading to, right? Weeell... He turns to me and asks, "So what do you think of Adam, Steve and I? Are we red or blue?" At this point I started laughing. It was great fun, but I knew it was coming. I said that Adam is a red card because I know him and he's not my type, plus hes a friend. As for my answer for Ed and Steve, let's just say I did a nice cop-out and said that I didn't want to hurt either of their feelings and left it at that. So Ed says that that would make them green cards? And I said no, purple cards, as blue and red make purple. Retarded I know, but makes sense right? He deducted from that that because I didnt want to hurt anyones feelings, and Steve wasn't there it was just him and I, that I liked Steve better and it was Ed's feelings I didnt want to hurt. (Little does he know that it's him I like better). Of course I totally denied this and said that I didnt want to choose because choosing would mean that I had come to some sort of conclusion about them, when I didnt know them long enough to make any kind of conclusions. Anyways, to make a long story short, he was hitting on me and I dont think Adam liked it all that much when I told Adam and Steve the story. I know Adam has a thing for me, and I hope that my friendship stance with him can stay that way in his mind, because there isn't going to be anything more between us.
Oh I watched the coolest movie ever; Boondock Saints. Damn it was super wicked. Of course, it would have been better if it hadnt skipped every ten seconds or less. You can ask Adam, I'm not lying, that's how shitty his DVD player is. Its some random brand called Norcet or something. Anyways, he didn't watch the movie cause he fell asleep, but I did, barely because of the skipping, but I could still follow it for the most part. I think thats another movie to add to my list of movies I need to buy. Has anyone else seen it? Did you like it? Oh speaking of movies, I was thinking about Snatch yesterday. I have to own that too, as well as Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels(if thats what its called, Im kinda drawing a bit of a fuzzy blank right now). Apparently Snatch is the sequel to Lock Stock, which I haven't seen yet. And goddamn was Mister Brad Pitt good in that movie. Of course him and Johnny Depp are good in any movie, but he was extra good in this one because of his fast Irish talk. You might be asking yourself where I got Johnny Depp out of all of this? Well, because when I think about amazing actors, his is the first name that pops up and my fingers just wanted to type his name. It couldnt be because he's gorgeous or anything, nope.
Well, Im going to go pee now, as I've had to go for a few minutes now, but I didnt want to stop typing and downloading new music :D
So the other morning I was talking with Adam and Steve, and none of us could sleep. Adam was talking to his landlady and she said that she wasn't able to sleep a wink either. (Mind you this wasn't the night I wrote about it the last entry, this was... Saturday night I thinks? Yes, Saturday night). So I just realized why now... The full moon. I'm going to phone Adam and Steve and tell them to tell Charlene this because it's really funny and ironic.
Oh and I have to tell you about Ed's blue and red card theory. I also kind of added to it and made up a purple card, for feelings somewhere inbetween. (Don't worry, you'll get it soon).
Okay, so Ed says thay everyone should carry around a blue card and a red card. Blue card meaning they are single or intersted, red card meaning the opposite. He says it would make meeting people easier. So all the while in my head I'm wondering where this is leading to, right? Weeell... He turns to me and asks, "So what do you think of Adam, Steve and I? Are we red or blue?" At this point I started laughing. It was great fun, but I knew it was coming. I said that Adam is a red card because I know him and he's not my type, plus hes a friend. As for my answer for Ed and Steve, let's just say I did a nice cop-out and said that I didn't want to hurt either of their feelings and left it at that. So Ed says that that would make them green cards? And I said no, purple cards, as blue and red make purple. Retarded I know, but makes sense right? He deducted from that that because I didnt want to hurt anyones feelings, and Steve wasn't there it was just him and I, that I liked Steve better and it was Ed's feelings I didnt want to hurt. (Little does he know that it's him I like better). Of course I totally denied this and said that I didnt want to choose because choosing would mean that I had come to some sort of conclusion about them, when I didnt know them long enough to make any kind of conclusions. Anyways, to make a long story short, he was hitting on me and I dont think Adam liked it all that much when I told Adam and Steve the story. I know Adam has a thing for me, and I hope that my friendship stance with him can stay that way in his mind, because there isn't going to be anything more between us.
Oh I watched the coolest movie ever; Boondock Saints. Damn it was super wicked. Of course, it would have been better if it hadnt skipped every ten seconds or less. You can ask Adam, I'm not lying, that's how shitty his DVD player is. Its some random brand called Norcet or something. Anyways, he didn't watch the movie cause he fell asleep, but I did, barely because of the skipping, but I could still follow it for the most part. I think thats another movie to add to my list of movies I need to buy. Has anyone else seen it? Did you like it? Oh speaking of movies, I was thinking about Snatch yesterday. I have to own that too, as well as Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels(if thats what its called, Im kinda drawing a bit of a fuzzy blank right now). Apparently Snatch is the sequel to Lock Stock, which I haven't seen yet. And goddamn was Mister Brad Pitt good in that movie. Of course him and Johnny Depp are good in any movie, but he was extra good in this one because of his fast Irish talk. You might be asking yourself where I got Johnny Depp out of all of this? Well, because when I think about amazing actors, his is the first name that pops up and my fingers just wanted to type his name. It couldnt be because he's gorgeous or anything, nope.
Well, Im going to go pee now, as I've had to go for a few minutes now, but I didnt want to stop typing and downloading new music :D
Saturday, August 28, 2004
The Witches Magical Handbook
Currently Listening To: The sound of the cars on the street. Goddamn their loud when you have a headache.
So did anyone else notice the extreme rains yesterday? Wasnt it wonderful? The thunder was exquisite. I miss listening to it on my metal roof at home, but I'm sure my mom loved it. I slept through most of it, until at least 12 in the afternoon... But since I haven't slept since then I think that that was fair.
So starting off on the that note, I had a rough night last night and literally didn't sleep a wink since I woke up yesterday. I haven't had this bad of a problem with sleeping for a very long time, and haven't pulled an all nighter and then not slept the next afternoon... ever I think. So today is a first. Not to mention at quater after seven this morning Tina phoned like she said she would to let me know that they would be arriving within the hour. I hadn't even realized it was morning until I turned over, put my book down, and looked at the sun trying to peak through my half assed curtain job with a black blanket.
Tina and Ed brought Kellys bed, her books, a dresser and a book shelf for her, as well as Angel, the kitty. Tina set everything up, but Im sure some of the stuff like the knick knacks and shit will be moved around by kelly. She finally has a room she can do whatever she wants with, and not have to worry about anyone touching or changing shit one her later on. She can't wait to come home on Wednesday.
Her parents said they were either going to pick her up this weekend or a few days early or something, or I dont know what. The day that camps ends and she can be picked up is this coming Wednesday. She called crying to Mom, so Mom offered to pick her up. I feel bad for her. I think Nathan's coming too. And Kelly told me about a store that sells belly button rings for only a dollar ninety-nine. Pretty damn good, and even if they arent sergical silver, at least they have plastic balls which I can interchange and just wear the dollar ninety-nine ones for the one night, etc. Anyway, she's really looking forawrd to coming home, and I really don't blame her. I think this summer, for her, has been a long one. I know it's gone by pretty quick for me, it feels like I didn't get a summer because of the online course. But I think Im managing.
So does anyone else notice that they feel sick to their stomach, have a headache and pain behind their eyes, oh and everything kinda moves in slow motion, when they haven't slept at all? Its just a question to make myself feel like everything Im experiencing is because of the no sleep and isn't from something else. You can blame the slight hypochondria for that.
Well, thats all folks. I can't think of anything to write about now. Im all drained and maybe I can set my alarm for an hour or two... I'm definitely going to bed at a decent time tonight, whether I wanted to or not. Which of course I did. But I'm just saying is all.
So did anyone else notice the extreme rains yesterday? Wasnt it wonderful? The thunder was exquisite. I miss listening to it on my metal roof at home, but I'm sure my mom loved it. I slept through most of it, until at least 12 in the afternoon... But since I haven't slept since then I think that that was fair.
So starting off on the that note, I had a rough night last night and literally didn't sleep a wink since I woke up yesterday. I haven't had this bad of a problem with sleeping for a very long time, and haven't pulled an all nighter and then not slept the next afternoon... ever I think. So today is a first. Not to mention at quater after seven this morning Tina phoned like she said she would to let me know that they would be arriving within the hour. I hadn't even realized it was morning until I turned over, put my book down, and looked at the sun trying to peak through my half assed curtain job with a black blanket.
Tina and Ed brought Kellys bed, her books, a dresser and a book shelf for her, as well as Angel, the kitty. Tina set everything up, but Im sure some of the stuff like the knick knacks and shit will be moved around by kelly. She finally has a room she can do whatever she wants with, and not have to worry about anyone touching or changing shit one her later on. She can't wait to come home on Wednesday.
Her parents said they were either going to pick her up this weekend or a few days early or something, or I dont know what. The day that camps ends and she can be picked up is this coming Wednesday. She called crying to Mom, so Mom offered to pick her up. I feel bad for her. I think Nathan's coming too. And Kelly told me about a store that sells belly button rings for only a dollar ninety-nine. Pretty damn good, and even if they arent sergical silver, at least they have plastic balls which I can interchange and just wear the dollar ninety-nine ones for the one night, etc. Anyway, she's really looking forawrd to coming home, and I really don't blame her. I think this summer, for her, has been a long one. I know it's gone by pretty quick for me, it feels like I didn't get a summer because of the online course. But I think Im managing.
So does anyone else notice that they feel sick to their stomach, have a headache and pain behind their eyes, oh and everything kinda moves in slow motion, when they haven't slept at all? Its just a question to make myself feel like everything Im experiencing is because of the no sleep and isn't from something else. You can blame the slight hypochondria for that.
Well, thats all folks. I can't think of anything to write about now. Im all drained and maybe I can set my alarm for an hour or two... I'm definitely going to bed at a decent time tonight, whether I wanted to or not. Which of course I did. But I'm just saying is all.
Thursday, August 26, 2004
She's crazy like a fool
Currently Listening To: Placebo-Black Eyed
Well, because it's been so long, I will write about what I did last weekend.
Nathan came over for the weekend, it was definitely a good idea for him to get away from his house. He's been having a bit of trouble lately in the girl area.
I was frustrated about something... What would you do if you found out that a friend of yours was pregnant, and her Mom had given her an ultimatum: Either she have an abortion or she has to live somewhere else? Doesn't that just sicken you? Something like an abortion is such a big deal/step in life, and to have someone else force you to choose when, I'm sure, you're having a hard enough time with the fact that you are pregnant in the first place! I just cant over that... Ive been thinking about that and it bothers me so much.
And something always creeps into my mind that a friend told me. She said that her grandmother had told her that because she wasn't christian she had nothing to live for. Can you believe it? Isn't that disgusting? At our age we're having enough trouble trying to figure out where we belong in society and the only places we can turn to are our family and our close friends. And to have one of our family memebers tell us that we don't have anything to live for starts setting off alarms in the back of your head. Alarms such as: "If you don't have anything to live for, then why don't you just kill yourself?" or "If I have nothing to live for, then why am I bothering to stay here?" or even things like "I might as well stay a Christian even if I dont believe in it, just to keep my family happy." Goddamn it upsets me the way people manipulate others, and use the fact that they are family or close friends to make the person become who they want them to be. How are we supposed to grow and become individuals if there are people out there like my friends grandmother who press religion and beliefs on us? How are we supposed to be able to have an open mind and learn everything we can about stuff before we begin to judge? People like that make it impossible! And it angers me. Oh yes it does.
Oh guess what else I did on the weekend? Nathan and I went to futureshop and were looking through the DVD's and I found the first season of Buffy. Oh was I excited. Ive already watched the first disk, and there are only three. So far I've laughed my head of, giggled, been moved, and appalled. I can even remember watching some of these from when I was little! Can you believe its been that long since Buffy first started? 1996! And now, to think, it's over for good *sniff* Im not going to lie to you, I cried during the last few episodes of Buffy, and Angel. Man I'm gonna miss them. *Le Sigh*
Well, because it's been so long, I will write about what I did last weekend.
Nathan came over for the weekend, it was definitely a good idea for him to get away from his house. He's been having a bit of trouble lately in the girl area.
I was frustrated about something... What would you do if you found out that a friend of yours was pregnant, and her Mom had given her an ultimatum: Either she have an abortion or she has to live somewhere else? Doesn't that just sicken you? Something like an abortion is such a big deal/step in life, and to have someone else force you to choose when, I'm sure, you're having a hard enough time with the fact that you are pregnant in the first place! I just cant over that... Ive been thinking about that and it bothers me so much.
And something always creeps into my mind that a friend told me. She said that her grandmother had told her that because she wasn't christian she had nothing to live for. Can you believe it? Isn't that disgusting? At our age we're having enough trouble trying to figure out where we belong in society and the only places we can turn to are our family and our close friends. And to have one of our family memebers tell us that we don't have anything to live for starts setting off alarms in the back of your head. Alarms such as: "If you don't have anything to live for, then why don't you just kill yourself?" or "If I have nothing to live for, then why am I bothering to stay here?" or even things like "I might as well stay a Christian even if I dont believe in it, just to keep my family happy." Goddamn it upsets me the way people manipulate others, and use the fact that they are family or close friends to make the person become who they want them to be. How are we supposed to grow and become individuals if there are people out there like my friends grandmother who press religion and beliefs on us? How are we supposed to be able to have an open mind and learn everything we can about stuff before we begin to judge? People like that make it impossible! And it angers me. Oh yes it does.
Oh guess what else I did on the weekend? Nathan and I went to futureshop and were looking through the DVD's and I found the first season of Buffy. Oh was I excited. Ive already watched the first disk, and there are only three. So far I've laughed my head of, giggled, been moved, and appalled. I can even remember watching some of these from when I was little! Can you believe its been that long since Buffy first started? 1996! And now, to think, it's over for good *sniff* Im not going to lie to you, I cried during the last few episodes of Buffy, and Angel. Man I'm gonna miss them. *Le Sigh*
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
They're singing my name up there
Currently Listening To:Frank Zappa- Titties and Beer
So I went with Steve and Adam to the Galaxy tonight and we saw Exorcist: The Beginning. WOW! It was really good. Nothing is better than the origional, but I must say this comes really close. And at parts, I was actually grossed out and spooked. A must see, for sure. If you watched the first one and wondered where in the world it started from then this movies for you. It totally makes sense now. Absolutely wonderful. Ahhh... :)
So I went with Steve and Adam to the Galaxy tonight and we saw Exorcist: The Beginning. WOW! It was really good. Nothing is better than the origional, but I must say this comes really close. And at parts, I was actually grossed out and spooked. A must see, for sure. If you watched the first one and wondered where in the world it started from then this movies for you. It totally makes sense now. Absolutely wonderful. Ahhh... :)
Saturday, August 21, 2004
x meets y from hell on acid
Currently Listening To: A Perfect Cirlce(Live)-Ashes to Ashes
Lord knows, it's been done before, but this little dictionary of literary "reviewese" is pretty funny.
You could compile a similar list for music "reviewese," of course, and there would be many overlapping terms. They even tend to drop some of the same gratuitous names. The main difference: music reviewers will by and large refer to "your ass" more frequently than book reviewers. Otherwise, it's basically mad lib city.
My favorite one from the article: "(the) name of that young German corporal was Adolf Hitler."
Lord knows, it's been done before, but this little dictionary of literary "reviewese" is pretty funny.
You could compile a similar list for music "reviewese," of course, and there would be many overlapping terms. They even tend to drop some of the same gratuitous names. The main difference: music reviewers will by and large refer to "your ass" more frequently than book reviewers. Otherwise, it's basically mad lib city.
My favorite one from the article: "(the) name of that young German corporal was Adolf Hitler."
What your mother would cringe at if she ever saw it.
Currently Listening To: Deep Purple-Child In Time
So, I did the best thing you could ever do with a permanent marker...Muwahahaha....Ahem....
So I had this spice girls mouse pad, and I had to use it because I had no other... sooo earlier on tonight I decided that it needed some spicing up(pun intended). I grabbed my handy dandy(notebook?) permanent marker and went at her. This is the result of my madness... And now when I use it I can giggle, rather than run screaming.
And the final product:
So, I did the best thing you could ever do with a permanent marker...Muwahahaha....Ahem....
So I had this spice girls mouse pad, and I had to use it because I had no other... sooo earlier on tonight I decided that it needed some spicing up(pun intended). I grabbed my handy dandy(notebook?) permanent marker and went at her. This is the result of my madness... And now when I use it I can giggle, rather than run screaming.
And the final product:
Friday, August 20, 2004
I checked it out just a few minutes ago, and my wonderful bio is up and running on Intuitive Music! Heres the link if you wanna check it out: Mandy's Bio
Other than that I've found out that I cannot for the life of me make panckes. I mean they didnt taste all that bad with syrup on them, but over all, they were not real looking pancakes. Kind of hard to explain really. I guess I just lack the "art" of pancake making. But thats what I had for supper tonight! OH and I got some laundry done. I love the feeling of washing my comforter and curling up in it that night when its still smells fresh. Mmm Mmm good.
Other than that I've found out that I cannot for the life of me make panckes. I mean they didnt taste all that bad with syrup on them, but over all, they were not real looking pancakes. Kind of hard to explain really. I guess I just lack the "art" of pancake making. But thats what I had for supper tonight! OH and I got some laundry done. I love the feeling of washing my comforter and curling up in it that night when its still smells fresh. Mmm Mmm good.
Thursday, August 19, 2004
There's no one here to talk to, and the pain inside is makin' me numb
Currently Listening To: 3 Doors Down- Changes
So the wonderful Naomi at Intuitive invited me to be a part of their staff, because I am such an active member in their Club Extravagance community. Hey what can I say? I love the place. The people there are so welcoming and whenever I post a picture I get a positive comment(Well, unless RealBitch is posting, but she hates everyone so it doesnt matter). Naomi and Koldo asked that I be a part of their Public Relations staff, make everyone aware of their site and invite new and upcoming artists to the site. So I'm going to post the links here as some advertising, and see what kind of response that gives us! You should check out my bio and the community, you'll see a lot of rockin' people. However I do recommend that you are over 18, as some of the stuff you may see is not suitable for anyone else.
So the wonderful Naomi at Intuitive invited me to be a part of their staff, because I am such an active member in their Club Extravagance community. Hey what can I say? I love the place. The people there are so welcoming and whenever I post a picture I get a positive comment(Well, unless RealBitch is posting, but she hates everyone so it doesnt matter). Naomi and Koldo asked that I be a part of their Public Relations staff, make everyone aware of their site and invite new and upcoming artists to the site. So I'm going to post the links here as some advertising, and see what kind of response that gives us! You should check out my bio and the community, you'll see a lot of rockin' people. However I do recommend that you are over 18, as some of the stuff you may see is not suitable for anyone else.
Thats right, Im yelling at you, what are you gonna do about it?
Currently Listening To: Apocalyptica-Path
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
It feels like I've been buried under the weight of the world
Currently Listening To:Anathema -ReConnect
Yesterday my entire family went to see Kelly in Haliburton. Don't believe me? It took two cars! Mom, Dad, Matthew, Kyle, Daniel, Grandma, Grandad and Me. Oh and Grandma's dog Lucky. Phew! Mom packed us a picnic lunch, which was really good. We sat out on the water front and ate our lunch first, then they went swimming and Matthew and Dad went Kayaking. (They need a spell checker on this thing). Then we went out on the barge again, Lucky had a great time there. I think it was rock climbing next and after that we went to the archery range. Overall I did more things yesterday than any other day I've been up there. However rocking climbing wasn't as fun as it usually is because I did my harness up too tight that friggen hurt.
OH and the funny part... Graham has been teasing Kelly ever since I was up the last time, telling her he's only going to come up and visit the apartment to see me, saying that when I get there hes going to hit on me, saying how much Im hot and how we're gonna go in the back forty for a half hour, etc. I was unaware of this teasing game, and when I was standing by the coffee I had my back to him (bad idea) and I had no idea who it was but they came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist. Now I've got my arms raised and Im all confused and going to yell rape jokingly(but I didnt know who it was so I wasnt sure how they would take it), and finally Kelly yell's "Graham!" And I spin around and laugh. The next time this happens is when Kelly and I go to the Hub and theres Graham again, and I can hear him teasing Kelly about me still, no idea what he's saying though, as theyre over sitting on one of the couches. (we have to remember here, that Kelly likes Graham and thinks he is aware of this by now). So I sat on the other couch near theres, not to disturb them, Kelly gets up to get her shoe that she threw at him earlier and he comes and sits beside me. We're talking and joking about how it'll take him about 7 minutes at least and I say we should make it 2 minutes and he says we'd better make it quick then, etc. Kelly's going so red in the face, and he likes to point this out. He's such a little shithead. He gets to sliding his hand on my leg, and Kelly says "okay! time to go Mandy!" We all laugh and leave. But I felt so bad for Kelly. And here I am not sure what the hell to do other than joke about it, cause I didnt know what to say in front of Kel. Haha good times indeed.
Anywhoo, my day yesterday was busy, and I finished my homework today. This even Adam and I are gonna to see Alien vs Predator. Big fun, Matthew and Dad said its really good. But Ive heard from some other people that it isnt like the other movies they've made of Alien, nor of Predator, which I guess is a good thing, cause we dont want them to be too much alike. We want difference people, something that differentiates them from the norm, right?? Right. :D
Yesterday my entire family went to see Kelly in Haliburton. Don't believe me? It took two cars! Mom, Dad, Matthew, Kyle, Daniel, Grandma, Grandad and Me. Oh and Grandma's dog Lucky. Phew! Mom packed us a picnic lunch, which was really good. We sat out on the water front and ate our lunch first, then they went swimming and Matthew and Dad went Kayaking. (They need a spell checker on this thing). Then we went out on the barge again, Lucky had a great time there. I think it was rock climbing next and after that we went to the archery range. Overall I did more things yesterday than any other day I've been up there. However rocking climbing wasn't as fun as it usually is because I did my harness up too tight that friggen hurt.
OH and the funny part... Graham has been teasing Kelly ever since I was up the last time, telling her he's only going to come up and visit the apartment to see me, saying that when I get there hes going to hit on me, saying how much Im hot and how we're gonna go in the back forty for a half hour, etc. I was unaware of this teasing game, and when I was standing by the coffee I had my back to him (bad idea) and I had no idea who it was but they came up behind me and wrapped their arms around my waist. Now I've got my arms raised and Im all confused and going to yell rape jokingly(but I didnt know who it was so I wasnt sure how they would take it), and finally Kelly yell's "Graham!" And I spin around and laugh. The next time this happens is when Kelly and I go to the Hub and theres Graham again, and I can hear him teasing Kelly about me still, no idea what he's saying though, as theyre over sitting on one of the couches. (we have to remember here, that Kelly likes Graham and thinks he is aware of this by now). So I sat on the other couch near theres, not to disturb them, Kelly gets up to get her shoe that she threw at him earlier and he comes and sits beside me. We're talking and joking about how it'll take him about 7 minutes at least and I say we should make it 2 minutes and he says we'd better make it quick then, etc. Kelly's going so red in the face, and he likes to point this out. He's such a little shithead. He gets to sliding his hand on my leg, and Kelly says "okay! time to go Mandy!" We all laugh and leave. But I felt so bad for Kelly. And here I am not sure what the hell to do other than joke about it, cause I didnt know what to say in front of Kel. Haha good times indeed.
Anywhoo, my day yesterday was busy, and I finished my homework today. This even Adam and I are gonna to see Alien vs Predator. Big fun, Matthew and Dad said its really good. But Ive heard from some other people that it isnt like the other movies they've made of Alien, nor of Predator, which I guess is a good thing, cause we dont want them to be too much alike. We want difference people, something that differentiates them from the norm, right?? Right. :D
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Freudian Inventory Results |
Genital (36%) you appear to have a pessimistic and regressive outlook on life. Latency (63%) you may be using learning as an escape from living. Phallic (56%) you appear to have a good balance of sexual awareness and sexual composure. Anal (46%) you appear to have a good balance of self control and spontaneity. Oral (63%) you appear to be overly passive and dependent, wanting things to be given to you instead of working for them. |
personality tests by
Freuds theorized that there are 5 stages of psychological development. At the oral stage the main issue is dependency, at the anal stage the main issue is self control, at the phallic stage the main issue is sexual identity, at the latency stage it's skill development, and at the genital stage its creativity and productivity.
Freud theorized that psychological problems are related to problems during one or more of these stages. For example, being too cared for or too neglected causes someone to be orally fixated, too much or too little control causes someone to be anally fixated, insufficient parental role modeling causes phallic fixation.
An orally fixated person is either irrationally dependent (expects what they want to just appear) or irrationally independent (always refuses help).
An anally fixated person is either irrationally self controlled and servile to authority or has no self control and is compulsively defiant of authority.
A phallicly fixated person is either a sexual compulsive (sexually innappropriate/promiscuous) or sexually repressed.
Freud did not classify any latent fixation but I think it is as plausible as those at the other stages. I speculate that people that like to learn and acquire knowledge without any purpose or people that are compulsively non curious represent both dysfunctional ends of the latency spectrum.
The genital stage is the final Freudian developmental stage and according to Freud people don't all succeed at this. Freud believed the ideal for human happiness is to be happy in love and work, problems in one or the other cause unhappiness.
Like any personality system, Freud's developmental levels are just a theory, so, be speculative about your results.
AP: Israel Cave Linked to John the Baptist
Currently Listening To: Neil Young- Lets Roll
"KIBBUTZ TZUBA, Israel (AP) - Archaeologists think they've found a cave where John the Baptist baptized many of his followers - basing their theory on thousands of shards from ritual jugs, a stone used for foot cleansing and wall carvings telling the story of the biblical preacher.
Only a few artifacts linked to New Testament figures have ever been found in the Holy Land, and the cave is potentially a major discovery in biblical archaeology.
"John the Baptist, who was just a figure from the Gospels, now comes to life," British archaeologist Shimon Gibson said during an exclusive tour of the cave given to The Associated Press.
But some scholars said Gibson's finds aren't enough to support his theory, and one colleague said that short of an inscription with John's name in the cave, there could never be conclusive proof of his presence there.
John, a distant relative of Jesus - their mothers were kin, according to the Bible - was a fiery preacher with a message of repentance and a considerable following.
Tradition says he was born in the village of Ein Kerem, which today is part of modern Jerusalem. Just 2.5 miles away, on the land of Kibbutz Tzuba, a communal farm, the cave lies hidden in a limestone hill - 24 yards long, four yards deep and four yards wide.
It was carved by the Israelites in the Iron Age, sometime between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C, the scientists said. It apparently was used from the start as a ritual immersion pool, preceding the Jewish tradition of the ritual bath...."
To read the rest, go to: .
Hot damn. Do I believe this story? Do I believe that because it isnt by a well known source, in my knowledge anyways, that I should just disregard it? Is it tabloid trash? I dont know. But for now I shall remain skeptical, and pretty darn amazed.
Peace out.
"KIBBUTZ TZUBA, Israel (AP) - Archaeologists think they've found a cave where John the Baptist baptized many of his followers - basing their theory on thousands of shards from ritual jugs, a stone used for foot cleansing and wall carvings telling the story of the biblical preacher.
Only a few artifacts linked to New Testament figures have ever been found in the Holy Land, and the cave is potentially a major discovery in biblical archaeology.
"John the Baptist, who was just a figure from the Gospels, now comes to life," British archaeologist Shimon Gibson said during an exclusive tour of the cave given to The Associated Press.
But some scholars said Gibson's finds aren't enough to support his theory, and one colleague said that short of an inscription with John's name in the cave, there could never be conclusive proof of his presence there.
John, a distant relative of Jesus - their mothers were kin, according to the Bible - was a fiery preacher with a message of repentance and a considerable following.
Tradition says he was born in the village of Ein Kerem, which today is part of modern Jerusalem. Just 2.5 miles away, on the land of Kibbutz Tzuba, a communal farm, the cave lies hidden in a limestone hill - 24 yards long, four yards deep and four yards wide.
It was carved by the Israelites in the Iron Age, sometime between 800 B.C. and 500 B.C, the scientists said. It apparently was used from the start as a ritual immersion pool, preceding the Jewish tradition of the ritual bath...."
To read the rest, go to: .
Hot damn. Do I believe this story? Do I believe that because it isnt by a well known source, in my knowledge anyways, that I should just disregard it? Is it tabloid trash? I dont know. But for now I shall remain skeptical, and pretty darn amazed.
Peace out.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
Nicely healed, but smooth as a baby's bottom.
Currently Listening To: Staind- Suffocate
Well, my finger is healed and doesn't hurt anymore. It's so sad that this is my latest news. But anyways, here's a new picture for everyone to see, cause I know you care about me oh so much. :P Oh and the blister is nice and smooth, and no more plastic is left on the finger. Thank god!
Healed goodnes:
Well, my finger is healed and doesn't hurt anymore. It's so sad that this is my latest news. But anyways, here's a new picture for everyone to see, cause I know you care about me oh so much. :P Oh and the blister is nice and smooth, and no more plastic is left on the finger. Thank god!
Healed goodnes:
Watching The Messenger
While watching the movie I decided to light on fire the plastic off of the movie packaging that I hadn't thrown in the garbage yet. This is the result of trying to save my blanket from catching on fire.
& ring finger:
& ring finger:
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Happy Fucking Friday The Thirteenth Everyone!
Hope your Friday goes better than mine. Goddamn day. Woken up early, and then sleeping in too late afterwards. Happy Day everyone!
This is me in my grumpy mood.
This is me in my grumpy mood.
Tuesday August 10/2004
As I still do not have internet, I continue to do random chores around the house, trying to bide my time until the Bell person finally arrives. I get bored so easily now. I did not think that it was possible to be as bored as I have been. However, I have had my movies to keep me sane, as well as Malcolm.
Speaking of movies, I have just finished watching The Lost Boys again. I think I have seen the movie three times, maybe, in total. I bought it at Blockbuster the other day when Mom, Emily and I went to rent a movie. We rented Nightstalker, and for a slight B movie, it was not so bad. The story was true, so it gave it sort of a one up on the bad to good scale.
I finished painting my room purple today. One I get my computer and web cam set up in my room, which I think I will do tonight before I go to bed, I will take some pictures. It is the most gorgeous colour of purple I have ever seen. It is dark, but I do not really care about that anymore, as Shirley and Bob will not be seeing my apartment anytime soon, and to top that off they are leaving in the fall. I hope that the new owners, from 801 are as nice as Shirley and Bob are. My god my shoulders, back and hands hurt from painting. Two days straight of painting really gives you a work-out.
More news, Mom died my hair bright red for me. Actually, she streaked it, with the new L’oreal hair colours. I could have gone with a purple, an orange, a blonde or a bright red. I wanted to originally dye it with the purple, but when I looked at the side of the box to check what colour it would turn on brown hair it looked more pink than purple. Therefore, I decided to go with the bright fire engine red. They gave us a lot of product for it to be just a streaking kit, so Mom sat Matthew down in the chair and streak his as well. His hair is naturally reddish brown so it looks super cool. He thought it looked gay at first, but once he washed it with the rinse and let it dry he liked the look of it better. It does not look gay at all, and I told him I thought that. He always takes my opinion on things; I am closer to his age after all.
I think I may be dying here without the internet. I’m so far behind on so many of my assignments now, that I’m just thankful I was able to get the internet on Sunday night at home so I could email my professor and let him know that I won’t be getting any of my assignments in yet. I feel awful because one was due on the 6th, another on the 8th, and then one is due tomorrow the 10th. I haven’t begun any of them as I don’t know what the assignments are on because the information is all located on WebCT. I may be going nuts… On the other hand, I just may be dying of stress and sheer boredom. Whichever kills me first.
Speaking of movies, I have just finished watching The Lost Boys again. I think I have seen the movie three times, maybe, in total. I bought it at Blockbuster the other day when Mom, Emily and I went to rent a movie. We rented Nightstalker, and for a slight B movie, it was not so bad. The story was true, so it gave it sort of a one up on the bad to good scale.
I finished painting my room purple today. One I get my computer and web cam set up in my room, which I think I will do tonight before I go to bed, I will take some pictures. It is the most gorgeous colour of purple I have ever seen. It is dark, but I do not really care about that anymore, as Shirley and Bob will not be seeing my apartment anytime soon, and to top that off they are leaving in the fall. I hope that the new owners, from 801 are as nice as Shirley and Bob are. My god my shoulders, back and hands hurt from painting. Two days straight of painting really gives you a work-out.
More news, Mom died my hair bright red for me. Actually, she streaked it, with the new L’oreal hair colours. I could have gone with a purple, an orange, a blonde or a bright red. I wanted to originally dye it with the purple, but when I looked at the side of the box to check what colour it would turn on brown hair it looked more pink than purple. Therefore, I decided to go with the bright fire engine red. They gave us a lot of product for it to be just a streaking kit, so Mom sat Matthew down in the chair and streak his as well. His hair is naturally reddish brown so it looks super cool. He thought it looked gay at first, but once he washed it with the rinse and let it dry he liked the look of it better. It does not look gay at all, and I told him I thought that. He always takes my opinion on things; I am closer to his age after all.
I think I may be dying here without the internet. I’m so far behind on so many of my assignments now, that I’m just thankful I was able to get the internet on Sunday night at home so I could email my professor and let him know that I won’t be getting any of my assignments in yet. I feel awful because one was due on the 6th, another on the 8th, and then one is due tomorrow the 10th. I haven’t begun any of them as I don’t know what the assignments are on because the information is all located on WebCT. I may be going nuts… On the other hand, I just may be dying of stress and sheer boredom. Whichever kills me first.
Try walking in my footsteps. Keep the same appointments I've kept.
Currently Listening To:Finger Eleven-Walking in My shoes
Okay so today around 3 oclock or so, I hooked up my internet, all by myself. The stupid express post guy came at like...twenty to nine it was? Yeah, way too damn early for my liking.
Anyways, here's the pictures I know you've all been waiting for that I promised...
Okay so today around 3 oclock or so, I hooked up my internet, all by myself. The stupid express post guy came at like...twenty to nine it was? Yeah, way too damn early for my liking.
Anyways, here's the pictures I know you've all been waiting for that I promised...
Sunday, August 08, 2004
All the words are gonna bleed from me
Currently Listening To:Theme Song- Sesame Street- Techno Remix
Okay, so I'm a cracker, what can ya do? If you don't like it, kiss my ass.
Back to the reason I'm posting. The move went great. Everyone went home with sore backs and full stomaches. There's a Little Ceasers Pizza and a MACs not far from my building. Also a community centre with a swimming pool workout room, however the membership apparently costs about $78. But Mom thinks that if I asked about subsidy I might be able to get some kind of discount because I'm a student living on my own.
Malcolm's doing fine. He likes the fact that he has an entire apartment to run around in, rather than just my bedroom. And I like the fact that I can put his food in the bathroom and his litter box in the bathtub rather than in my bedroom. However I haven't seen him since Saturday evening, so I hope he isn't too lonely.
I went out Friday night with Adam Withers, his friend Steve and we picked up a girl named Laura on the way. We couldn't figure out what to do, and because it was friday we couldn't get into the Junction(poor party pooper Mandy and her being 18). So we went to Papa's instead and played pool. Halfway through the second game Laura wanted to go home, so Steve walked her to her apartment. Adam got a call at the bar from Steve saying he was going to be awhile and to pick him up later. I got a chuckle out of that one for the rest of the night. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to just leave and then be picked up later. Adam and I ended up getting subs and going back to my place to eat them. When we got there we caught up on what each other had been doing since we last spoke, then Adam called Steve to tell him he was coming over(and the funniest part was Adam was like "you done?" and Steve replied "yeah, I'm ready" and that was it. I don't understand guys! I'd be pissed if my friend had left me to go and get laid. I guess that's most guys way of doing things though). That was the extent of my Friday night, after that I went to bed.
Saturday I cleaned, read and tried to redownload Alice on my computer. But somethings wrong with it so I gave up again and started watching some more episodes of the Millenium DVD's that I bought. I got the whole first season. Be proud! God I loved and still love that show. Mom and I used to watch it when I was younger, it was sort of our show to watch together. That and Buffy, then when Angel branched off it was that too. Plus Charmed, and when Pru died it just wasn't the same. But I recommend Millenium to anyone. Its on the Scream channel if you have Starchoice. You'll love it, it's so much better than X-Files or The Pretender. WaBaM(Drew :P).
Okay, so I'm a cracker, what can ya do? If you don't like it, kiss my ass.
Back to the reason I'm posting. The move went great. Everyone went home with sore backs and full stomaches. There's a Little Ceasers Pizza and a MACs not far from my building. Also a community centre with a swimming pool workout room, however the membership apparently costs about $78. But Mom thinks that if I asked about subsidy I might be able to get some kind of discount because I'm a student living on my own.
Malcolm's doing fine. He likes the fact that he has an entire apartment to run around in, rather than just my bedroom. And I like the fact that I can put his food in the bathroom and his litter box in the bathtub rather than in my bedroom. However I haven't seen him since Saturday evening, so I hope he isn't too lonely.
I went out Friday night with Adam Withers, his friend Steve and we picked up a girl named Laura on the way. We couldn't figure out what to do, and because it was friday we couldn't get into the Junction(poor party pooper Mandy and her being 18). So we went to Papa's instead and played pool. Halfway through the second game Laura wanted to go home, so Steve walked her to her apartment. Adam got a call at the bar from Steve saying he was going to be awhile and to pick him up later. I got a chuckle out of that one for the rest of the night. I couldn't believe he had the audacity to just leave and then be picked up later. Adam and I ended up getting subs and going back to my place to eat them. When we got there we caught up on what each other had been doing since we last spoke, then Adam called Steve to tell him he was coming over(and the funniest part was Adam was like "you done?" and Steve replied "yeah, I'm ready" and that was it. I don't understand guys! I'd be pissed if my friend had left me to go and get laid. I guess that's most guys way of doing things though). That was the extent of my Friday night, after that I went to bed.
Saturday I cleaned, read and tried to redownload Alice on my computer. But somethings wrong with it so I gave up again and started watching some more episodes of the Millenium DVD's that I bought. I got the whole first season. Be proud! God I loved and still love that show. Mom and I used to watch it when I was younger, it was sort of our show to watch together. That and Buffy, then when Angel branched off it was that too. Plus Charmed, and when Pru died it just wasn't the same. But I recommend Millenium to anyone. Its on the Scream channel if you have Starchoice. You'll love it, it's so much better than X-Files or The Pretender. WaBaM(Drew :P).
Sunday, August 01, 2004
I could break
Currently Listening To:Sevendust-xmas
Today Mom and I painted my new bathroom. It looks really hot. When Kelly arrived she was really excited.
Today my alter ego decided to make a church out of pencils. I told her that we wouldn't have enough money to build an entire church out of pencils, but she didnt listen to me and proceeded to try. We do have a lot of pencils around the house, but not nearly enough.
She came to me about an hour later and told me she was finished. I didnt believe her and had to look for myself. Turns out it was only model size. How was I supposed to know she didnt mean she was wanted to build a real sized church?
God made hundreds of millions of planets and wonderful species. But, by the time he got to us, he was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Today Mom and I painted my new bathroom. It looks really hot. When Kelly arrived she was really excited.
Today my alter ego decided to make a church out of pencils. I told her that we wouldn't have enough money to build an entire church out of pencils, but she didnt listen to me and proceeded to try. We do have a lot of pencils around the house, but not nearly enough.
She came to me about an hour later and told me she was finished. I didnt believe her and had to look for myself. Turns out it was only model size. How was I supposed to know she didnt mean she was wanted to build a real sized church?
God made hundreds of millions of planets and wonderful species. But, by the time he got to us, he was scraping the bottom of the barrel.
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