*yawn* I think the summer is going to go by with flying colours. I've really messed up my sleeping schedule. I'm not getting to bed before 2am anymore, and then not waking up until almost 1pm.
I still haven't found a couch for my apartment. I think it's going to end up being one of those things that I buy when I've already moved in. But then I'm not sure what colour I'll be able to paint the living room. I'd kind of like it to match the couch. But if I end up having to just paint the walls a light colour like white or cream, then so be it.
I've spent a lot of money lately. I'm not sure where it's all gone! I know a lot of it has gone towards the apartment. Actually almost all of it has. But I've also spent a lot on just little things, and other people. I'm not even making enough money at pizza hut to make up for the amount I've spent. I hope I don't go to over-board.
The waterfront festival was this past weekend. I watched the fireworks with Brynn, Emily, Kyle(sorry for forgetting you!)Matt and Melissa. We had a good time, though the fireworks weren't as good as they were last year. I don't think they'll be able to beat last years. I also got another henna tattoo. I love henna. It's so gorgeous. I get a henna tattoo every year. It's kind of like a tradition for myself. This year I spent about 27$ on mine. But it was well worth it. The lady who has always done mine uses only brown henna (she has a thing against the black), so this year there was another lady doing only black henna. I got mine done with her, just for a change. Here's a picture: