Well, the fashion show is finally over!! And I must say, it went a lot more smoothly than I thought it was going to. I thought it was going to suck bum, but it wasn't so bad! My god I had forgotten how stressfull it is. So glad it's over.
Here's a picture of me on stage in one of the outfits:
Pretty hot eh?! We were all hot. I must congradulate all of the models on a job well done. However I had a spy in the audience that told me a few of my girls were chewing gum even after I specifically told them not to, and were having conversations amongst themselves and with each other while on the cat walk. That frustrates me, however I am over it now.
I have a presentation to do tomorrow with Eric for Religion class, and I think it's going to go friggen awesome. We took pictures of advertisements all over our mall, and a bench advertisement that says "You just proved bench advertisement works." I hate it cause first of all it's so true, and it proves me wrong! Grrr. =P Anyways, I hope it goes well.
I'm going to go and read Kelly's blog now. I suggest you all do the same. She's awesome. Do it!