Okay, so this one time, I wore a fadora around school, and proclaimed myself king of the world. Except my friends decided to burst my bubble, and tell me I couldnt be king, because I wasn't male. So I explained to them that I was indeed male, because I had a penis. In fact, that I have a penis and one gangrenous testicle. Of course after I explained that, they believed me. They always believe me in the end. And they pat my head. It always makes me feel better. I'm an angel. :)
Friday, April 30, 2004
Do you think I'm faking, when I'm lying next to you? Do you think that I am blind? There's nothing left for me to lose.
Currently Listening To: Seether- Driven Under
Okay, so this one time, I wore a fadora around school, and proclaimed myself king of the world. Except my friends decided to burst my bubble, and tell me I couldnt be king, because I wasn't male. So I explained to them that I was indeed male, because I had a penis. In fact, that I have a penis and one gangrenous testicle. Of course after I explained that, they believed me. They always believe me in the end. And they pat my head. It always makes me feel better. I'm an angel. :)
Okay, so this one time, I wore a fadora around school, and proclaimed myself king of the world. Except my friends decided to burst my bubble, and tell me I couldnt be king, because I wasn't male. So I explained to them that I was indeed male, because I had a penis. In fact, that I have a penis and one gangrenous testicle. Of course after I explained that, they believed me. They always believe me in the end. And they pat my head. It always makes me feel better. I'm an angel. :)
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
And she see's no one around.
Currently Listening To: Smashing Pumpkins- 1979
Well, the fashion show is finally over!! And I must say, it went a lot more smoothly than I thought it was going to. I thought it was going to suck bum, but it wasn't so bad! My god I had forgotten how stressfull it is. So glad it's over.
Here's a picture of me on stage in one of the outfits:

Pretty hot eh?! We were all hot. I must congradulate all of the models on a job well done. However I had a spy in the audience that told me a few of my girls were chewing gum even after I specifically told them not to, and were having conversations amongst themselves and with each other while on the cat walk. That frustrates me, however I am over it now.
I have a presentation to do tomorrow with Eric for Religion class, and I think it's going to go friggen awesome. We took pictures of advertisements all over our mall, and a bench advertisement that says "You just proved bench advertisement works." I hate it cause first of all it's so true, and it proves me wrong! Grrr. =P Anyways, I hope it goes well.
I'm going to go and read Kelly's blog now. I suggest you all do the same. She's awesome. Do it!
Well, the fashion show is finally over!! And I must say, it went a lot more smoothly than I thought it was going to. I thought it was going to suck bum, but it wasn't so bad! My god I had forgotten how stressfull it is. So glad it's over.
Here's a picture of me on stage in one of the outfits:
Pretty hot eh?! We were all hot. I must congradulate all of the models on a job well done. However I had a spy in the audience that told me a few of my girls were chewing gum even after I specifically told them not to, and were having conversations amongst themselves and with each other while on the cat walk. That frustrates me, however I am over it now.
I have a presentation to do tomorrow with Eric for Religion class, and I think it's going to go friggen awesome. We took pictures of advertisements all over our mall, and a bench advertisement that says "You just proved bench advertisement works." I hate it cause first of all it's so true, and it proves me wrong! Grrr. =P Anyways, I hope it goes well.
I'm going to go and read Kelly's blog now. I suggest you all do the same. She's awesome. Do it!
Monday, April 26, 2004
Sometimes you've got to say please.
Currently Listening To: Matthew Good Band- In My Life
So this years fashion show at our school is officially tomorrow. We're doing three shows all day, two afternoon shows and an evening show. I don't have all the pictures from last years show, because MSN deleted my old community, but if I did I would post one to show you just how great a job we do. This year I was in charge of the models, and on the committee. Something to put on my resume! =) Hopefully it isn't going to be as stressful as today's first dress rehearsal was. It was pretty bad, and damn unorganized. Hope everyone remembers everything I've told them.
The family came home today, they'd left Saturday morning to help my Uncle move into his new house. Turns out she bought his old table and chair set for Kelly and my apartment. Also Terri gave us a wine glass set, that we think is crystal. I'm just going to call it crystal anyways, because it makes me feel more special. ^-^
Well, I have to get up bright and early tomorrow, and spend a very long fricking day at school. Won't be home before 10pm tomorrow. The cooking class is preparing supper for us and everything. It's better than the pizza and pop they made us eat today for lunch.
So this years fashion show at our school is officially tomorrow. We're doing three shows all day, two afternoon shows and an evening show. I don't have all the pictures from last years show, because MSN deleted my old community, but if I did I would post one to show you just how great a job we do. This year I was in charge of the models, and on the committee. Something to put on my resume! =) Hopefully it isn't going to be as stressful as today's first dress rehearsal was. It was pretty bad, and damn unorganized. Hope everyone remembers everything I've told them.
The family came home today, they'd left Saturday morning to help my Uncle move into his new house. Turns out she bought his old table and chair set for Kelly and my apartment. Also Terri gave us a wine glass set, that we think is crystal. I'm just going to call it crystal anyways, because it makes me feel more special. ^-^
Well, I have to get up bright and early tomorrow, and spend a very long fricking day at school. Won't be home before 10pm tomorrow. The cooking class is preparing supper for us and everything. It's better than the pizza and pop they made us eat today for lunch.
Sunday, April 25, 2004
Friday, April 23, 2004
Thursday, April 22, 2004
Does every moment move past you? Or does it feel like forever? And shouldn't you be laughing too?
Currently Listening To: Finger Eleven- Sick of it All (Sullen Version)
Happy Earth day all!! I feel so bad for being sick this morning and not making it to school. Today I was supposed to go shopping for flowers and a few friends and I with the social justice club were going to plant them during the day today. I guess they did it without me. Hope they had fun!
I'm hoping to be able to go to the Spa tonight and have a massage from someone who has a strong grip. The last person I went to was way to light handed. I need someone who can reeeaaally massage me. Not just rub my back, for lack of anything better to call it.
Well I should be off now, my Dads leaving. Talk to you all later!
Happy Earth day all!! I feel so bad for being sick this morning and not making it to school. Today I was supposed to go shopping for flowers and a few friends and I with the social justice club were going to plant them during the day today. I guess they did it without me. Hope they had fun!
I'm hoping to be able to go to the Spa tonight and have a massage from someone who has a strong grip. The last person I went to was way to light handed. I need someone who can reeeaaally massage me. Not just rub my back, for lack of anything better to call it.
Well I should be off now, my Dads leaving. Talk to you all later!
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
Why don't you come with me little girl, on a magic carpet ride?
Currently Listening To: Jimi Hendrix- Purple Haze
Well, happy four-twenty to all you tokers out there. So sorry you're dead Mr. Bob Marley. Happy birthday to Hitler. And I have been thinking about the Columbine shooting all day today, considering it's the fifth anniversary. A sad day, but what can one do but remember. Right? Right.
Anyways, it is late. Kelly says shes a horrible person and she loves it (Kidding!) And I do have good old school tomorrow. Even if she doesn't.
Aaaanyways, off to read now. Need to mellow myself out. *stretches and yawns*
Goodnight my fellow bloggers, and blog readers.
Well, happy four-twenty to all you tokers out there. So sorry you're dead Mr. Bob Marley. Happy birthday to Hitler. And I have been thinking about the Columbine shooting all day today, considering it's the fifth anniversary. A sad day, but what can one do but remember. Right? Right.
Anyways, it is late. Kelly says shes a horrible person and she loves it (Kidding!) And I do have good old school tomorrow. Even if she doesn't.
Aaaanyways, off to read now. Need to mellow myself out. *stretches and yawns*
Goodnight my fellow bloggers, and blog readers.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
And just how deep would you go, to see through it all?
Currently Listening To: Fuel- Hemorrage (In My Hands)
In Mandy's pretend land she went to a party Friday night, got reasonably drunk, stoned and had lots of wild sex.
Back at home base Mandy worked her ass off with a sprained and badly bruised finger.
In Mandy's pretend land she slept in until 10pm on Saturday morning and then went shopping all day with a big group of friends and spent her money on gorgeous new clothes and accesories. Ate supper at East Side Mario's and even had dessert. Then went to the movies with a yummy male speciman who, after the movie, drove to a secluded area and parked the car where they proceeded to have wild, passionate sex.
Back in reality Mandy slept until 3pm Saturday afternoon because she forgot to take her pills Friday night, thus screwing up her sleep schedule. Her father had to be at work by 4pm and Mandy didn't have to be at work until 5pm, but off they went at 3:30pm so dear father wouldn't be late. They arrive at work and find out that dearest Daddy didn't have to be there until 4:30pm. Oh well, time for some supper and some down time to start on her book. She then proceeded to work her ass off all night and when she got home she typed the rest of her ISU up on the computer, emailed it to herself and went to bed.
In Mandy's fantasy land she woke up at 10pm again on Sunday morning, ate waffles for breakfast, completely disregarding her Hypoglycemia, and met up with Kelly to go apartment looking in Peterborough. They had a nice lunch at a small cafe, and then went shopping at the mall until supper where her and Kelly grabbed something quick to eat and headed back to Rez where they partied until the sun came up.
Back to reality. Mandy wakes up at 7AM Sunday morning, and gets read to go to the meeting for work in Trenton. Gets picked up at about ten after eight and car pools to Trenton, in order to listen to the bosses of all the Pizza Hut's yap about the new promotions, and the way the stores are supposed to be running, yadda yadda . . . Gets home at about 2pm and discovers that Rob and his new wife from Cuba are there and they mingle until Rob decides they should leave for lunch. His new wife can barely speak english, speaking only a big of english and French, but fully in Spanish. Mandy then watches Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with her little brothers and falls alseep on the couch until 7pm. Kelly phones, and then Mandy goes downstairs to read in bed, and then come online to blog.
In Mandy's pretend land she went to a party Friday night, got reasonably drunk, stoned and had lots of wild sex.
Back at home base Mandy worked her ass off with a sprained and badly bruised finger.
In Mandy's pretend land she slept in until 10pm on Saturday morning and then went shopping all day with a big group of friends and spent her money on gorgeous new clothes and accesories. Ate supper at East Side Mario's and even had dessert. Then went to the movies with a yummy male speciman who, after the movie, drove to a secluded area and parked the car where they proceeded to have wild, passionate sex.
Back in reality Mandy slept until 3pm Saturday afternoon because she forgot to take her pills Friday night, thus screwing up her sleep schedule. Her father had to be at work by 4pm and Mandy didn't have to be at work until 5pm, but off they went at 3:30pm so dear father wouldn't be late. They arrive at work and find out that dearest Daddy didn't have to be there until 4:30pm. Oh well, time for some supper and some down time to start on her book. She then proceeded to work her ass off all night and when she got home she typed the rest of her ISU up on the computer, emailed it to herself and went to bed.
In Mandy's fantasy land she woke up at 10pm again on Sunday morning, ate waffles for breakfast, completely disregarding her Hypoglycemia, and met up with Kelly to go apartment looking in Peterborough. They had a nice lunch at a small cafe, and then went shopping at the mall until supper where her and Kelly grabbed something quick to eat and headed back to Rez where they partied until the sun came up.
Back to reality. Mandy wakes up at 7AM Sunday morning, and gets read to go to the meeting for work in Trenton. Gets picked up at about ten after eight and car pools to Trenton, in order to listen to the bosses of all the Pizza Hut's yap about the new promotions, and the way the stores are supposed to be running, yadda yadda . . . Gets home at about 2pm and discovers that Rob and his new wife from Cuba are there and they mingle until Rob decides they should leave for lunch. His new wife can barely speak english, speaking only a big of english and French, but fully in Spanish. Mandy then watches Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with her little brothers and falls alseep on the couch until 7pm. Kelly phones, and then Mandy goes downstairs to read in bed, and then come online to blog.
Friday, April 16, 2004
Adult Material
Currently Listening To: R.E.M.- Daysleeper
I havent read anything in so long that has turned me on like this did. I suggest a read, if of course you follow the rules.
Dirty Whore Diary; True Story
"I met them through an online ad, one (of the many) listed in the Women Seeking Women section but carrying a small note about a boyfriend who wants to watch and/or participate. I usually skip by those with a groan; more often than not, the situation is full of too much drama for me. But this time, I stopped, because the woman in question was adorable and I exactly matched the description of her "type". After several e-mails, some chats, multiple picture exchanges, and a phone call, we made a date.
"We met in the lobby bar of a nice hotel and talked over appetizers and vodka drinks. They were a very cute couple. Sharon was a petite little thing, maybe 5'1", with fabulous rounded curves, an eager, pretty face, and long, light brown hair. Steve was over 6', awkward in his excitement, with a nice body. I think he would have been quite attractive with a haircut and a shave (moustaches, unless part of a goatee, look so tragically '70s to me). They were in their mid-20s and told me that they'd played around as a threesome in college, but hadn't had the nerve to look for a playmate since.
"After an hour or so, we went up to their room. I decided to break the ice by running my fingers through Sharon's hair, nibbling her neck, and running a hand across her ass in the elevator. We barely made it back to the room before we were all over each other, leaving our coats in a pile at the door. We had dressed for the occasion: Sharon had a red lace basque, red thong, and lace-topped thigh high stockings under her dress, while I had on a black corset top, knee-length black skirt, garter belt and black stockings. Her clothes came off completely as we made out; mine stayed on, though the front of my corset was unlaced enough to free my breasts and my skirt pushed up around my waist.
"I looked over at Steve from the king-sized bed while I sucked on his girlfriend's nipple. His pants were open and his cock was in his hand as he watched, which turned me on even more. I concentrated on giving him a good show as I moved down her belly. She must have had a recent waxing; the V of her pubic hair was perfectly shaped and she was bare between her legs. It had been a long time since I had gone down on a woman, and it was marvelous. I loved changing from long laps to teasing tickles of my tongue, pulling her clit between my lips, and slipping fingers in her wet pussy.
"After a few minutes, she moaned that she wanted to taste me, so we switched positions. On the way, I smiled and asked if she wanted to let Steve join in. I suggested sucking his cock while she licked me, and she called him over (they had a rule that he could not fuck me, but anything else was fair game). Soon I was on my back, her tongue on my clit as my head turned to the side to take his cock. It felt wonderful.
"He pulled away and mounted her from behind. Her concentration on my pussy was broken, so I moved from beneath her and went over to play with her tits. Soon we had her on her knees between us, Steve's cock deep as we both pinched her nipples and kissed her. My Domme side came to the surface, and I started directing, telling him to fuck her as I pulled her hair and sucked on her lips. I moved away so she could get on all fours, sliding my hand down to stroke her clit. I took hold of his balls and caressed them as he thrust into her. He yelled and shot, some of his cum dripping from her pussy onto my hand. I teased, "Messy messy!" and put my hand into Sharon's mouth to clean off as he finished.
"Neither she nor I had cum yet. I positioned myself on my back again, with her between my legs. Much to my delight, Steve got behind her and began to lick her filled pussy -- I love a man who isn't afraid of his own cum. Between her tongue and that view, it didn't take long for me to climax and grind my cunt against her face. Sharon followed shortly with Steve sucking her clit while I finger fucked her. We collapsed onto the bed in a heap to catch our breath.
"I was lying in the middle and couldn't miss the hardness of Steve's cock moving slowly between my ass cheeks. I wanted him to slip it inside and fuck me hard, but rules are rules. Sharon sighed, "That was great!" and I pointed out that there was still some unfinished business at hand. She giggled. A minute later, Steve was back in the chair with my mouth on his cock.
"I really enjoy sucking cock. I played with his balls, licked my way around the head, and took him as deep as I could. While I was in the midst of this, Sharon started fucking me with her fingers. The room reeked of sex and sweat, I was still dizzy from my orgasm, and it felt wonderful. She surprised me by slipping a finger up my ass, then two. Then she surprised me even more by talking dirty, saying that she bet Steve wished it was his cock up my ass instead of her fingers. "I bet you'd like that too, wouldn't you? His hard dick pushing way inside," which she emphasized with a shove of her fingers, "until he came all over in you?" I moaned and so did Steve. I sucked harder, deeper, faster. He warned that he was going to cum and I grabbed his hips, catching every drop in my mouth. I turned around as Sharon pulled her fingers from my ass and kissed her, aggressively pushing his cum onto her tongue.
"We were still so turned on that we rolled around, playing for a while longer as we wound down. Sharon and I lay panting on the bed; Steve was slumped in the chair. I excused myself to clean up in the bathroom and when I returned, Sharon was sitting on Steve's lap and they were smiling and kissing gently. Truly a cute couple. I made excuses to get going, gathering my coat and purse. I hugged Steve and kissed Sharon goodbye and didn't even mind the cold on the drive home.
"They sent me a thank you e-greeting yesterday, saying they hope we can get together again. So do I. They were nice people and very... talented. It's rare I want more than a one night stand, and while I don't foresee this becoming a regular event, I'd certainly do them again. And hell, maybe with a better level of trust, we can bend some of those rules and get his cock up my ass. Oh how I miss that!"
I havent read anything in so long that has turned me on like this did. I suggest a read, if of course you follow the rules.
Dirty Whore Diary; True Story
"I met them through an online ad, one (of the many) listed in the Women Seeking Women section but carrying a small note about a boyfriend who wants to watch and/or participate. I usually skip by those with a groan; more often than not, the situation is full of too much drama for me. But this time, I stopped, because the woman in question was adorable and I exactly matched the description of her "type". After several e-mails, some chats, multiple picture exchanges, and a phone call, we made a date.
"We met in the lobby bar of a nice hotel and talked over appetizers and vodka drinks. They were a very cute couple. Sharon was a petite little thing, maybe 5'1", with fabulous rounded curves, an eager, pretty face, and long, light brown hair. Steve was over 6', awkward in his excitement, with a nice body. I think he would have been quite attractive with a haircut and a shave (moustaches, unless part of a goatee, look so tragically '70s to me). They were in their mid-20s and told me that they'd played around as a threesome in college, but hadn't had the nerve to look for a playmate since.
"After an hour or so, we went up to their room. I decided to break the ice by running my fingers through Sharon's hair, nibbling her neck, and running a hand across her ass in the elevator. We barely made it back to the room before we were all over each other, leaving our coats in a pile at the door. We had dressed for the occasion: Sharon had a red lace basque, red thong, and lace-topped thigh high stockings under her dress, while I had on a black corset top, knee-length black skirt, garter belt and black stockings. Her clothes came off completely as we made out; mine stayed on, though the front of my corset was unlaced enough to free my breasts and my skirt pushed up around my waist.
"I looked over at Steve from the king-sized bed while I sucked on his girlfriend's nipple. His pants were open and his cock was in his hand as he watched, which turned me on even more. I concentrated on giving him a good show as I moved down her belly. She must have had a recent waxing; the V of her pubic hair was perfectly shaped and she was bare between her legs. It had been a long time since I had gone down on a woman, and it was marvelous. I loved changing from long laps to teasing tickles of my tongue, pulling her clit between my lips, and slipping fingers in her wet pussy.
"After a few minutes, she moaned that she wanted to taste me, so we switched positions. On the way, I smiled and asked if she wanted to let Steve join in. I suggested sucking his cock while she licked me, and she called him over (they had a rule that he could not fuck me, but anything else was fair game). Soon I was on my back, her tongue on my clit as my head turned to the side to take his cock. It felt wonderful.
"He pulled away and mounted her from behind. Her concentration on my pussy was broken, so I moved from beneath her and went over to play with her tits. Soon we had her on her knees between us, Steve's cock deep as we both pinched her nipples and kissed her. My Domme side came to the surface, and I started directing, telling him to fuck her as I pulled her hair and sucked on her lips. I moved away so she could get on all fours, sliding my hand down to stroke her clit. I took hold of his balls and caressed them as he thrust into her. He yelled and shot, some of his cum dripping from her pussy onto my hand. I teased, "Messy messy!" and put my hand into Sharon's mouth to clean off as he finished.
"Neither she nor I had cum yet. I positioned myself on my back again, with her between my legs. Much to my delight, Steve got behind her and began to lick her filled pussy -- I love a man who isn't afraid of his own cum. Between her tongue and that view, it didn't take long for me to climax and grind my cunt against her face. Sharon followed shortly with Steve sucking her clit while I finger fucked her. We collapsed onto the bed in a heap to catch our breath.
"I was lying in the middle and couldn't miss the hardness of Steve's cock moving slowly between my ass cheeks. I wanted him to slip it inside and fuck me hard, but rules are rules. Sharon sighed, "That was great!" and I pointed out that there was still some unfinished business at hand. She giggled. A minute later, Steve was back in the chair with my mouth on his cock.
"I really enjoy sucking cock. I played with his balls, licked my way around the head, and took him as deep as I could. While I was in the midst of this, Sharon started fucking me with her fingers. The room reeked of sex and sweat, I was still dizzy from my orgasm, and it felt wonderful. She surprised me by slipping a finger up my ass, then two. Then she surprised me even more by talking dirty, saying that she bet Steve wished it was his cock up my ass instead of her fingers. "I bet you'd like that too, wouldn't you? His hard dick pushing way inside," which she emphasized with a shove of her fingers, "until he came all over in you?" I moaned and so did Steve. I sucked harder, deeper, faster. He warned that he was going to cum and I grabbed his hips, catching every drop in my mouth. I turned around as Sharon pulled her fingers from my ass and kissed her, aggressively pushing his cum onto her tongue.
"We were still so turned on that we rolled around, playing for a while longer as we wound down. Sharon and I lay panting on the bed; Steve was slumped in the chair. I excused myself to clean up in the bathroom and when I returned, Sharon was sitting on Steve's lap and they were smiling and kissing gently. Truly a cute couple. I made excuses to get going, gathering my coat and purse. I hugged Steve and kissed Sharon goodbye and didn't even mind the cold on the drive home.
"They sent me a thank you e-greeting yesterday, saying they hope we can get together again. So do I. They were nice people and very... talented. It's rare I want more than a one night stand, and while I don't foresee this becoming a regular event, I'd certainly do them again. And hell, maybe with a better level of trust, we can bend some of those rules and get his cock up my ass. Oh how I miss that!"
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Okay, so I was reading one of the funniest, cutest things I've ever been exposed to in a very long time, only a short two minutes ago. My feet really smell bad and I feel very sorry for my mom who is sitting besided me. I could always take my socks off and change into my pj's, but Im too lazy. So she'll have to suffer. Anyways, back to the funniest thing ever. Totally click on Piehole in order to view this 32 year old ladies awesomely hillarious blog. I read some of the things to my Mom, but I can tell she thinks the lady has fallen off of her rocker, or else she's just really immature. Likely the latter. You can ask her if you want. My blog is having a hard time trying to publish right now, it keeps clicking and refreshing and Im wondering if its going to end up erasing what Im typing, so I should not bother continuing. But because I am me of course Im going to continue. Oh and in case you hadn't noticed, I didn't put a song I was listening to, cause Im actualy listening to the sounds of my house, which consist of my "brothers" watching t.v. and my mom playing her pogo games beside me. I guess being in the basement, and it being 10:30 at night, makes the house quieter than usual. I could describe the noise that usually occurs on a normal day, but I dont want to overwhelm you. I think Im finished typing for tonight. You're all just lucky that I've posted so many days in a "row" now. And by row I mean exactly what I put. I wonder if I have overwhelmed all of your feeble monkey brains with my post tonight?
Friday, April 09, 2004
Not supposed to be scared of anything, but I don't know where I am.
Currently Listening To: 3 Doors Down- Changes
I guess the biggest news I have is being accepted to Brock. ("If you can walk and talk, you can get into Brock." I'm aware of the saying, but it still makes me feel great all the same). I don't think I'll be getting into York, but I'm pretty damn sure I'm getting into Trent. Haven't received anything in the mail about them yet. Hopefully soon!
Sat around with the family all day today and watched movies. 3 in total. Cheaper by the Dozen, Under The Tuscan Sun, & Cold Creek Manor. I guess they were all alright, Under the Tuscan sun was the best, and Cheaper by the Dozen was the funniest, by far. Under the Tuscan sun was such a hot movie. I think I'm moving to Tuscany. :D
I think my mark in Politics is high now, considering about a week ago I finally handed in my work on our political party. I'm pretty damn sure Chelseas going to fail the class. She's already failing like 3 classes. I don't know how she does that, and isn't fazed by it. It makes me so upset when I'm close to failing something. I've never failed a class before, and I don't plan on ever failing, either. I guess some people just have low morals and ethics.
Speaking of Chelsea. Apparently little Amanda is upset with her and that's because Becca said something to make her stressed out. It all confuses me, but as far as I know she said that Chelsea hates Amanda, and that it had something to do with my saying that Chelsea frustrates me, etc.
I have no idea the story, all I know is Amanda made me parogies and we got to watch a presentation by The Art Institute in our Art class. Those damn people are always sending me shit in the mail on emails, telling me about new offers they have. And now I've gone and filled out something asking for more information on the fashion design and web design aspects of their educational system. (Maybe it makes me feel special when they send me shit in the mail?)
I got a call from a friend of mine from Elementary school on Sunday telling me she had a baby... I knew she had been pregnant before, but she had had a miscarriage. I guess she really wanted a baby, because here she is with a 3 month old baby girl. She named her Kendra, I have to hand it to her for the name, its very pretty. In so many ways I feel immensely sorry for her. Who wants to juggle a baby, school, and a home life all at once? The guy she is with is a complete ass who basically rules her life. There is no way I am getting stuck with someone and having kids. I am more career oriented, and more ME oriented. I couldn't handle having to stay home and look after kids, personally I think I have done it enough already as a teenager, what with my two younger brothers being 4 and 6 now. I've looked after them since they were babies. I'm pretty damn sure I'm finished with kids.
I've been having a lot of dreams lately, and I think its all thanks to my realigning of my chakras. I tried to see if it would work, and I did everything the book said, using my gem stones. I tried this on Monday night, and since then I've had much clearer dreams, and I haven't been waking up as tired as I used to be. But mind you I am getting tired a lot earlier in the day now. I've been having to crash and take a few hour naps after school, and even today around 4 I slept until 8pm. Oh well, for the most part I think its helped me stay clear headed.
Brandon wanted his damn killed done by Thursday, and that was not happening. Then apparently Kelly told him it would be done for today, which definitely didn't happen. I'm not any farther on it than I was on Tuesday when they were over and I started working on it. Yesterday when I saw him at work when he came to pick up Matt, his black eye was even worse than it was before. I'm pretty damn sure at wrestling yesterday his buddies picked on his weak spot. I could never do that kind of thing, when it comes to things like that I'm a really gentle person. I could never hurt someone unless they were threatening my life to the point of killing me, or my friends and family's lives. Take, for instance, when someone says "C'mon, just hit me!" When playing around, I cant, I just cant bring myself to hurt someone for the hell of it. Which I think is why I have never gotten into any fights, even if someone was, say, teasing Matthew, I don't find it necessary to get into a fight over it. I'm a lover, not a hater? LOL
I guess the biggest news I have is being accepted to Brock. ("If you can walk and talk, you can get into Brock." I'm aware of the saying, but it still makes me feel great all the same). I don't think I'll be getting into York, but I'm pretty damn sure I'm getting into Trent. Haven't received anything in the mail about them yet. Hopefully soon!
Sat around with the family all day today and watched movies. 3 in total. Cheaper by the Dozen, Under The Tuscan Sun, & Cold Creek Manor. I guess they were all alright, Under the Tuscan sun was the best, and Cheaper by the Dozen was the funniest, by far. Under the Tuscan sun was such a hot movie. I think I'm moving to Tuscany. :D
I think my mark in Politics is high now, considering about a week ago I finally handed in my work on our political party. I'm pretty damn sure Chelseas going to fail the class. She's already failing like 3 classes. I don't know how she does that, and isn't fazed by it. It makes me so upset when I'm close to failing something. I've never failed a class before, and I don't plan on ever failing, either. I guess some people just have low morals and ethics.
Speaking of Chelsea. Apparently little Amanda is upset with her and that's because Becca said something to make her stressed out. It all confuses me, but as far as I know she said that Chelsea hates Amanda, and that it had something to do with my saying that Chelsea frustrates me, etc.
I have no idea the story, all I know is Amanda made me parogies and we got to watch a presentation by The Art Institute in our Art class. Those damn people are always sending me shit in the mail on emails, telling me about new offers they have. And now I've gone and filled out something asking for more information on the fashion design and web design aspects of their educational system. (Maybe it makes me feel special when they send me shit in the mail?)
I got a call from a friend of mine from Elementary school on Sunday telling me she had a baby... I knew she had been pregnant before, but she had had a miscarriage. I guess she really wanted a baby, because here she is with a 3 month old baby girl. She named her Kendra, I have to hand it to her for the name, its very pretty. In so many ways I feel immensely sorry for her. Who wants to juggle a baby, school, and a home life all at once? The guy she is with is a complete ass who basically rules her life. There is no way I am getting stuck with someone and having kids. I am more career oriented, and more ME oriented. I couldn't handle having to stay home and look after kids, personally I think I have done it enough already as a teenager, what with my two younger brothers being 4 and 6 now. I've looked after them since they were babies. I'm pretty damn sure I'm finished with kids.
I've been having a lot of dreams lately, and I think its all thanks to my realigning of my chakras. I tried to see if it would work, and I did everything the book said, using my gem stones. I tried this on Monday night, and since then I've had much clearer dreams, and I haven't been waking up as tired as I used to be. But mind you I am getting tired a lot earlier in the day now. I've been having to crash and take a few hour naps after school, and even today around 4 I slept until 8pm. Oh well, for the most part I think its helped me stay clear headed.
Brandon wanted his damn killed done by Thursday, and that was not happening. Then apparently Kelly told him it would be done for today, which definitely didn't happen. I'm not any farther on it than I was on Tuesday when they were over and I started working on it. Yesterday when I saw him at work when he came to pick up Matt, his black eye was even worse than it was before. I'm pretty damn sure at wrestling yesterday his buddies picked on his weak spot. I could never do that kind of thing, when it comes to things like that I'm a really gentle person. I could never hurt someone unless they were threatening my life to the point of killing me, or my friends and family's lives. Take, for instance, when someone says "C'mon, just hit me!" When playing around, I cant, I just cant bring myself to hurt someone for the hell of it. Which I think is why I have never gotten into any fights, even if someone was, say, teasing Matthew, I don't find it necessary to get into a fight over it. I'm a lover, not a hater? LOL
Monday, April 05, 2004
She was the moon painting you with it's glow.
Currently Listening To: HIM- (Acoustic) The Funeral of Hearts
The cats outside won't stop coming outside of my front door and peeing in the dirt around the deck. I haven't seen them do it, but the smell they leave behind tells me they have been here. I'm sure they pee around my bedroom window as well. They may hate my poor cat Cleo but if they don't stop I'm going to have to bury some moth balls in the dirt to keep them away. Don't get my wrong, I love cats to death, but they don't seem to get the hint when Cleo hisses and screetches at them to leave.
Friday's full moon meditation was very moving. When we opened the circled and settled down to listen to our leader speak to us in her beautiful, calming voice I felt warm inside. As she spoke she told us to rid ourselves of our sorrow, guilt, and anger. As she told us to focus on ridding ourselves of this my eyes instantly began to tear. By the time she was finished moving us through that portion of her talk I was bawling silently. Finally she moved on. She got us to focus on each and every part of our bodies, moved us through them, naming each one, and asked us to relax them. The whole time she was talking I felt peaceful. By the time she was finished, and she had guided us, in our minds, to kneel before a statue of the Mother Goddess I was at home. Then she left us to use our imaginations and we sat meditating for a good 15 minutes or more.
Afterward we closed the circle then sat and chatted while drinking tea and having some cookies. I bought some more gem stones as well. One for Kelly for self confidence and another for help during her examinations. She'll have to pick it up when she gets here after clinical on Tuesday. I hope it works for her.
I really should work on my ISU for English class. I have some of it written out in rough copy, and none started in good copy. It's all supposed to be handed in on the 13th of this month, but I know it will be late. I'm always late handing things in. That's one of my problems, procrastination. I know I do it, and just haven't focused on fixing the problem. Could it be because I am procrastinating fixing my procrastination? Oi.
I went to Coffee Time with Amanda and her Grandad after school today. I had a hot chocolate and won a free long distance phone card for 20 minutes. The man grabbing it for me for some reason pulled out two of the phone cards, went to put one back but ended up changing his mind and gave me both of them. So I now have 40 minutes of free long distance phone cards. Hmmm oh what to do with them? Maybe I'll give Paul a call. *G* I was telling Amanda that I was going to phone Paul, she was calling me cute. Silly girl. Maybe I have a small crush on the guy? Hmm I wonder why?
The cats outside won't stop coming outside of my front door and peeing in the dirt around the deck. I haven't seen them do it, but the smell they leave behind tells me they have been here. I'm sure they pee around my bedroom window as well. They may hate my poor cat Cleo but if they don't stop I'm going to have to bury some moth balls in the dirt to keep them away. Don't get my wrong, I love cats to death, but they don't seem to get the hint when Cleo hisses and screetches at them to leave.
Friday's full moon meditation was very moving. When we opened the circled and settled down to listen to our leader speak to us in her beautiful, calming voice I felt warm inside. As she spoke she told us to rid ourselves of our sorrow, guilt, and anger. As she told us to focus on ridding ourselves of this my eyes instantly began to tear. By the time she was finished moving us through that portion of her talk I was bawling silently. Finally she moved on. She got us to focus on each and every part of our bodies, moved us through them, naming each one, and asked us to relax them. The whole time she was talking I felt peaceful. By the time she was finished, and she had guided us, in our minds, to kneel before a statue of the Mother Goddess I was at home. Then she left us to use our imaginations and we sat meditating for a good 15 minutes or more.
Afterward we closed the circle then sat and chatted while drinking tea and having some cookies. I bought some more gem stones as well. One for Kelly for self confidence and another for help during her examinations. She'll have to pick it up when she gets here after clinical on Tuesday. I hope it works for her.
I really should work on my ISU for English class. I have some of it written out in rough copy, and none started in good copy. It's all supposed to be handed in on the 13th of this month, but I know it will be late. I'm always late handing things in. That's one of my problems, procrastination. I know I do it, and just haven't focused on fixing the problem. Could it be because I am procrastinating fixing my procrastination? Oi.
I went to Coffee Time with Amanda and her Grandad after school today. I had a hot chocolate and won a free long distance phone card for 20 minutes. The man grabbing it for me for some reason pulled out two of the phone cards, went to put one back but ended up changing his mind and gave me both of them. So I now have 40 minutes of free long distance phone cards. Hmmm oh what to do with them? Maybe I'll give Paul a call. *G* I was telling Amanda that I was going to phone Paul, she was calling me cute. Silly girl. Maybe I have a small crush on the guy? Hmm I wonder why?
Thursday, April 01, 2004
It doesn't matter what I want. It doesn't matter what I need. It doesn't matter if I cry. It don't matter if I bleed.
Currently Listening To: Superfine- Already Met You
apologies for the last post. Kelly did that, and I guess she didn't erase it. No worries, at least I received some comments for it! Hurray for looking on the bright side. We were originally looking for my saved draft that I was going to wok on later, but apparently it had decided to erase itself. In it I was talking about how Brandon and I had gotten lost last Saturday when we were looking for the Odyssey. Its okay though, we finally found it and we spent lotsa money.
Kelly hasn't phoned nor emailed me about whether or not she is coming over tonight. She left me last night with the thought that she would do either or to let me know. I suppose its a good thing mom and dad are at work, so I don't have to answer their questions as to why she isn't here yet. I suppose I did say that she would be studying at a friends house first, before she came over here. By now I'm thinking that its no dice regarding her coming over. Its too bad, because I thought she would get a chance to talk to Brandon.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrows dress down day at school. I get to wear the tube top/corset top that I made. I'm going to wear my long sleeved fishnet shirt underneath, and possibly a pair of tight black pants or a black skirt. Not too sure yet. I had a dream that I wore my dark denim overalls, with the straps hanging down and undone. It was apparently cool in my dream, but I don't think it would be a hit. I'm thinking of wearing my PVC cop hat thingy too. I get so excited when there are dress down days.
I'm very excited for tomorrow night. After our full moon meditation meeting, Andy might be able to drop us off at Kelly's rez and then we can party and celebrate her "birthday party." *G* Long story, and I'm not posting it on here. All I'm going to say is I hope we have a ton of fun. It'll be the last time I'll be able to visit. So I'm really looking forward to it.
Katie called me last night and wanted to know if I wanted to come to her and Angie's birthday bash at Shoeless Joes. I'm so disappointed in myself for declining because of my homework I had, that I didn't end up doing anyways. I ended up going to the mall and getting my nails done with mom. I ended up having to look after the kids, when I wasn't up for them coming in the first place. But I did buy the White Pony C.D. by Defontes that I had been wanting forever. 27 freaking dollars all together with tax! Hey, its worth it right?
FOOTNOTE: When spellchecking; fishnet- poisoned. For Shoeless- Chelsea. Intersting eh?
apologies for the last post. Kelly did that, and I guess she didn't erase it. No worries, at least I received some comments for it! Hurray for looking on the bright side. We were originally looking for my saved draft that I was going to wok on later, but apparently it had decided to erase itself. In it I was talking about how Brandon and I had gotten lost last Saturday when we were looking for the Odyssey. Its okay though, we finally found it and we spent lotsa money.
Kelly hasn't phoned nor emailed me about whether or not she is coming over tonight. She left me last night with the thought that she would do either or to let me know. I suppose its a good thing mom and dad are at work, so I don't have to answer their questions as to why she isn't here yet. I suppose I did say that she would be studying at a friends house first, before she came over here. By now I'm thinking that its no dice regarding her coming over. Its too bad, because I thought she would get a chance to talk to Brandon.
I'm really looking forward to tomorrows dress down day at school. I get to wear the tube top/corset top that I made. I'm going to wear my long sleeved fishnet shirt underneath, and possibly a pair of tight black pants or a black skirt. Not too sure yet. I had a dream that I wore my dark denim overalls, with the straps hanging down and undone. It was apparently cool in my dream, but I don't think it would be a hit. I'm thinking of wearing my PVC cop hat thingy too. I get so excited when there are dress down days.
I'm very excited for tomorrow night. After our full moon meditation meeting, Andy might be able to drop us off at Kelly's rez and then we can party and celebrate her "birthday party." *G* Long story, and I'm not posting it on here. All I'm going to say is I hope we have a ton of fun. It'll be the last time I'll be able to visit. So I'm really looking forward to it.
Katie called me last night and wanted to know if I wanted to come to her and Angie's birthday bash at Shoeless Joes. I'm so disappointed in myself for declining because of my homework I had, that I didn't end up doing anyways. I ended up going to the mall and getting my nails done with mom. I ended up having to look after the kids, when I wasn't up for them coming in the first place. But I did buy the White Pony C.D. by Defontes that I had been wanting forever. 27 freaking dollars all together with tax! Hey, its worth it right?
FOOTNOTE: When spellchecking; fishnet- poisoned. For Shoeless- Chelsea. Intersting eh?
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