Tuesday, December 02, 2003

I'm floating down the river...

I feel so bad for Paul. Andrew is in the hospital, he was in a really bad car accident. I really wish I could help but there isnt much I can do other than ask everyone to light a candle or if you are the religious type, pray for the both of them. I feel so helpless in life right now.

On a lighter note whiskers is getting better, he doesnt seem to be limping as badly, and its gotten to the point where I dont think we have to put him down. He's really depressed though, he hides under my bed curled up in a ball, or in my comfy chair on my blankets. I tried bringing his food into my room rather than having it in the furnace room so he doesnt have to walk as far, but it confuses Cleo. There isnt much I can do for him other than make him feel as comfortable as possible. A few friends of mine have talked me thru this, and their support feels good in my heart. But I just cant shake that he's getting better only to get worse...

On another note, again, I am now very sick and have the flu. Isnt my life just getting better by the day? Its Matthews fault, he made me this sick, and Kyles. Mom took them to the walk in clinic on Sunday and they both have the flu, and Mom's getting it too. Wow, so now I have it. And the funniest thing is everyone in the house except Mom has had their flu shot. Talk about weird. I thought the stupid needle was supposed to protect me from getting it. Buuut noooo. Growl.

I feel so bad because the only blogs I have checked up on lately are Pauls and my own. I think tonight I am ging to go and read Davids. I havent read up on his in awhile. Last time I did he had wrote about Michael Jackson. I wonder whats next.

There is another blog I read sometimes, Dirty Whore Diary. She's rather intereting. She chooses hr sex partners from the internet. Not something I would choose to do, meet up and have sex with someone from the internet. But if she wants to, all the power to her. ~Cough cough~ I hate being sick.

If anyone wants to do something for me right now, they can buy me a lifetime supply of red halls, and finish all the essays and ISU's that are due soon for school. I would love you forever and ever if you did.